Example sentences of "[pers pn] see [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am encouraged that in the last few years the number of cyclists I see commuting to and in Edinburgh has increased .
2 No , do n't bother to voice the protest I see forming on your beautiful lips ; it will happen sooner or later , but I agree with you that we must get this business of Garry cleared up first .
3 The first goddamn pilot I see sitting on his ass , I 'll send him to Corps to shoot a general . ’
4 oh I see going to the cupboards are you ?
5 I am a member of the National Childbirth Trust , and such is the grim and distorted picture of myself which I see reflected in the media .
6 you see go to a football match , or buying some er electrical appliance appeal to them far more than paying the rent !
7 see some places you see go from Friday to Monday do n't they ?
8 Yes , well I was er , you see born in eighteen ninety nine .
9 Like this , you see looking for and I said she 's gone on a bike ride !
10 One of the particular benefits of receiving such an accolade as Scotmedia Magazine 's Best Scottish Business Magazine 1993 is that it gives the chance to pay tribute to the hard work of the people you see listed in the blue panel adjacent to this as well as of the contributors and others instrumental in our success .
11 And most er most of the children you see went from to Holyhead .
12 ‘ We 're here now , on the spot you see indicated on your map , adjacent to the pons asinorum .
13 And the blood covenant you see comes into it as well does n't it ?
14 But I mean , were led to believe that some of the people that you see sitting on the streets of Edinburgh begging are actually making a good living out of it !
15 If you see cycling as a problem and you do n't want to know , I think you are being defeatist .
16 And the cables that you see running down the sides , they 're the ropes .
17 But it would been hot stuff you see to begin with .
18 you see coming off the th there 's a straight bit erm , but she was very friendly with this woman 's mother
19 Yo you see talked about recycling .
20 Much of the growth that you see reflected in these figures is probably old commitments .
21 Real , yet not real , the world we see remains in itself mysterious , ineffable , sometimes a world of suffering , sometimes of joy and wonder .
22 Although most commentators have claimed that Berkeley 's principal opponent was Descartes , whom he cited as an example only in the second ( 1710 ) edition , he was more generally denying the widely-received assumption that we see according to the laws of geometry — this assumption being central to the perspectivist tradition .
23 In many cases , what we see defined within these boundaries are units of land with a variety of land uses for the support of one or more settlements .
24 Does all the art of reformers , activists and militants that we see exhibited in luxurious international galleries help prevent racial and ethnic conflicts ?
25 From Hayek we see stated in forthright fashion the importance in normativist thought of the dignity of the individual and the primacy of individual freedom .
26 One complication that we see raised with Samson Agonistes , is that a text 's success in fulfilling the conditions of its chosen genre , in this case classical tragedy , may help to render it unsuccessful in terms of the way it was originally envisaged as intervening aethestically in its contemporary history .
27 In Lawrence , it is natural man that we see threatened by the meretricious energy of his industrial environment , which renders nature lifeless and artificial .
28 Most of the lower limb fractures we see occur in casual hill users — perhaps their leg muscles are n't attuned to what they 're doing .
29 Explains Deborah Wintle , an advice worker and counsellor for Liverpool One Parent Families Trust : ‘ There are a number of unmarried mums on Merseyside , many of which we see coming into the Trust .
30 We are aware of the limited value of both as guides to comprehending the true nature of insanity , especially the more positive aspects we see reflected in the creative mind , and we fully agree with Lyndall Gordon who , when writing about Virginia Woolf , comments ‘ Our language has , as yet , no term for madness which is not demeaning . ’
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