Example sentences of "[pers pn] might [be] do " in BNC.

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1 She would have her hair nicely done and I might be doing a bit of sewing .
2 I might be doing
3 So I might be doing tennis then .
4 No , what I meant , is if saying that if I camped onto that number over there 3414 , and if that phone becomes free , this phone starts ringing and I might be doing something , so by the time I 've picked it up to make that connection , suppose 3414 is then making another outgoing call , do I have to camp on yet again to 3414 ?
5 Now she took care to change the subject and what could be more natural than to talk to the vet and his sister about Faustina and to speculate on what she might be doing at this moment .
6 For some idiotic reason it had never crossed her mind that she might be doing something illegal .
7 She might be doing maths this morning .
8 She gave me the modelling Erm Avon , she might be doing two might n't she ?
9 Questions such as , ‘ Do you feel that you might be doing this in order to produce this kind of feeling or situation ? ’ , can lead counsellees to a re-examination of their motives .
10 ‘ And did n't it even once cross your mind that you might be doing harm ? ’
11 You know like you might be doing some technical training , they say what 's er anyone know what motor insurance is ?
12 I did n't realise you might be doing a late shift , but it 's imperative I see you . ’
13 erm some of the stuff that you might be doing in things like perception and stuff like that erm
14 you might be doing it ? . .
15 is the aim , what , I mean somebody came up with the aim , in actual fact , despite whatever else you might be doing , whatever politics were behind it , the aim was to prevent AIDS no matter what you were doing , and not to have any kind of prejudice against what you were doing as long as the aim
16 We might be doing Robert Titford 's memory a disservice to imagine that his disastrous voyage to South and Central America — his first and last as a master mariner — had any such sinister backdrop .
17 We might be investigating it with an experiment or we might be doing some calculations on it .
18 It 's just that we do rather more sophisticated versions sometimes of very similar things which are done at school , but they might be done more precisely , simply in a rather more sophisticated way .
19 Oh yeah I think so , I do n't think that I can make anything of it , I 'll take that box to school because they might be doing a
20 Just before the alarm clock rang at five , I conceived how it might be done .
21 There are several ways it might be done .
22 It 's much easier to write about it ; to unravel how it might be done , rather than how it will be done .
23 The way that this has been done in the past is the subject of the next chapter ; the way that it might be done in the future is the justification for this book .
24 She had stopped to drink from a can on the way up , caring little now for what it might be doing to her .
25 It might be doing things at night time , leaving the lights on , to make it look as though you 're in .
26 It occurred to him as he was crashing about in the cupboard among his own old mackintoshes , tennis racquets , gum boots , and broken picture frames that he might be doing the wrong thing .
27 She mused , but without real curiosity , on what he might be doing at this very moment to that unknown cadaver , young or old , male or female .
28 No matter what the job was , or what else he might be doing , he wore the hat when he was outside .
29 ‘ You think he might be doing it on his own ? ’
30 Erm , er he might be doing a very good job of explaining some other notion , not the notion of a self or an individual , but er something else .
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