Example sentences of "[pers pn] know you 've " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Just I know you 've been busy and enjoying your friends .
2 I know you 've got none fit in Munster at the moment , but hopefully the Lads in the Power Pack Section can make something of the ones we 've just lifted .
3 I know you 've got them . ’
4 I know you 've got something to hide , and Jahsaxa Penumbra loves mysteries .
5 I know you 've thought about it .
6 Now , once more looking at the small boy , she said briskly , ‘ Come , make up your mind quick , Bobbie ; I know you 've bought a shipping order tonight but there 's this lady and gentleman waiting to be served . ’
7 I know you 've had your difficult times , but you 've also had your easy times too . ’
8 Steve Groves for ‘ We shot it yesterday when it was 3 feet higher' ’ Nick Reason for ‘ Dad , I know you 've got to have a head for heights to canoe over a waterfall like that but why 's that man got two heads ? ’ ,
9 The party 's powerful Senate minority leader , Bob Dole , had just told Bush : ‘ Just as I know you 've changed the world , I also know the best man did n't win . ’
10 I know you 've met him , sir . ’
11 I know you 've had a shock .
12 I know you 've written about street children being murdered in Brazil .
13 Well , maybe ‘ blossom ’ is an exaggeration , but I told Gillian one or two of Oliver 's jokes , and we talked about being apprehensive over coming to the group , and then it emerged that she was half-French , and I had something to say about that , and the estate agent tried to bring in Germany but we were n't having any of it , and before I knew where I was I had half-turned my shoulder to exclude the other chap and was saying , ‘ Look , I know you 've only more or less just arrived , but you would n't like a spot of supper would you ?
14 I know you 've been up there a lot lately .
15 I 'll leave it at the moment , I know you 've now got a very busy day ahead of you lectures to attend and such things like that but er has anybody got a question or two they 'd like to ask me concerning anything ?
16 I know you 've got a lot of work to do .
17 Well let's think about it once more I know you 've done the correct thing cos I 've just looked .
18 Erm I know you 've probably had more than enough of that , but keep keep having a little look
19 I know you 've always told us the truth — but what are you talking about ? ’ asked Rose .
20 I know you 've lost some paintings .
21 I know you 've thought about this for a long time , ’ he hissed , gripping her shoulders tightly to prevent movement .
22 I know you 've been sleeping with my husband . ’
23 I know you 've confessed to murdering Mills . ’
24 ‘ I 'll feel better about all this if I know you 've got it . ’
25 Yeah and I know you 've you sent a note round about it as well did n't you ?
26 I know you 've only just got in , but come and see .
27 I know you 've seen him — he told me , and I 'm afraid he was n't very polite to you .
28 I know you 've got a great future ahead of you . ’
29 I know you 've had problems with her before , but I do n't think it 'll take much persuasion to get her to give up .
30 I know you 've had problems , but Taurus and Libra can be a very difficult relationship .
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