Example sentences of "[pers pn] know i have " in BNC.

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1 I can get through the rest of the week if I know I 've got comin' here to look forward to .
2 It 's still hard to know whether I 've saved them all , but at least I know I 've done my best .
3 Like , I know I 've been lucky .
4 I know I 've reached my limit .
5 I know I 've let you down … but we 'll get by . ’
6 ‘ Look , ’ he said , awkwardly , ‘ I know I 've taken the piss out of you in the past .
7 It 's difficult to explain , but I know I 've been doing some thinking about my obligations to my parents , about where I 'm coming from and where I 'm going .
8 I know I 've got a lot more to offer despite the goals I 've scored .
9 I know I 've got a lot more to offer despite the goals I 've scored .
10 I know I 've got a lot to learn , but I 'm in the best place to do it . ’
11 When I look around now , I know I 've got one of the best squads even in the Premier League .
12 ‘ I was disappointed with how I handled and managed certain situations , but I know I 've learned from that and I 'm better for it . ’
13 Look Joe — ’ Len leaned towards him from where he was sitting on the side of his bed and , lowering his voice , he said , ‘ I do n't want to probe , and I know I 've said this before , but I …
14 I know I 've got to start scoring and it would be nice to get off the mark at last on Sunday .
15 ‘ But I know I 've got to be as successful over the next five to eight years as I have been so far .
16 I know I 've made a lot of mistakes and there are probably a lot of things I should be sorry about but I would n't change my life , I would make the same mistakes because they 've taught me so much .
17 I know I 've never had some of the breaks I deserve but I do n't allow myself to dwell on this .
18 I know I 've fallen a few rungs on the ladder , but at least I 've been there and done it . ’
19 But I know I 've got lots that could be copied so we could send them out .
20 I know I 've got to go back , I know I need qualifications .
21 I know I 've only got one left , yeah .
22 Sissinghurst or is it I know I 've been there I took a photograph of my son outside there holding the doors .
23 I know I 've only got to make one mistake and I 'll go straight back in .
24 I know I 've got a life out there and I know there are people out there that care for me .
25 ‘ Christina , I know I 've been here a year longer than you but I 'm sure you 've worked these things out for yourself by now .
26 I know I 've shocked you — I 've shocked myself , over and over again .
27 Harry , I know I 've no right to ask , but I want to know — you never did this with her , did you ? ’
28 I know I 've been er elected vice , I intend to display all the er vices , sloth , idleness ,
29 I know I 've been a long time on this but I 'll I think it 's nearly there .
30 I know I 've been behaving like a pig , comme un porco , for a bit , but please read all my letters from the Jungle and you 'll see I 'm a changed man .
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