Example sentences of "[pers pn] 'll have time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't think I 'll have time to yet , not till we get Dolly fixed up with a job and lodgings of her own . ’
2 A woman who valued herself more could have said , ‘ Well , now I 'll have time to do other things ’ , but for this woman life without the sense of being needed and of other people valuing her had no point .
3 I mean , when I 've got over that then I 'll have time to be decently frightened of you . ’
4 ‘ Although I doubt whether I 'll have time to fit everything in . ’
5 And , going on in the same vein before Fabia could gently state that she would n't dream of going to Czechoslovakia without her , ‘ It 's about a four-hour crossing so you 'll have time for some shut-eye and a rest before … ’
6 You 'll have time to do that .
7 Then you 'll have time to enjoy your tea .
8 ‘ Of course we 'll have time .
9 But I have to , because there 's no way he 'll have time for me after what I said to him . ’
10 No , I should n't think he 'll have time .
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