Example sentences of "[pers pn] back and [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I mean for him to ring you back and speak to you , i i he , he 's been concerned about it as well .
2 Why not just call you back and tell you what they told me ? — what you obviously knew all along , that there 's no hope at all of looking at secret files . ’
3 ‘ I 'll walk you back and collect my car , then pick you up around seven .
4 If you step out of line , as I did a couple of times , trying too hard to find out how much money he earns , then he will pull you back and forget it , but you feel that if you were to commit a serious breach then we would not forgive .
5 Quick call that 's all it will take and then er we ring you back and bear the burden of the telephone bill .
6 And I and I think it 's quite right to have you back and alter your treatment at this stage so ,
7 You claimed , both of you claimed they were straight away gon na chip you back and offer you about sixty pound for them .
8 FIVE — never let ignorance hold you back and do n't pay consultants to teach you things you ought to find out for yourself .
9 German radio announced that since no country would agree to accept the boat-load of Jews , the Fatherland would be obliged to take them back and support them .
10 He urged the Western governments which withdrew their diplomats from Kabul on the eve of the Soviet military withdrawal in January to send them back and stop the psychological war they were waging against his government .
11 It took several minutes to gather them back and put them under starter 's orders .
12 When you 've done that , go get all the other torches up there , bring them back and do the same . ’
13 It 's quite well it 's fun because I you know the people and you see them once or twice a year and it 's it 's nice to see them back and talk
14 SmartStart can also be used to set the AcerPac 450 's alarm clock to tell the system when to wake up , and can date and time in-coming messages as well as play them back and erase them .
15 ‘ If I find favour in the eyes of the Lord , he will bring me back and let me see both it and his habitation ; but if he says , ‘ I have no pleasure in you , ’ behold , here I am , let him do to me what seems good to him' ( 2 Sam .
16 Ossie and Tito steal him back and set off for the wild reaches of western Ireland with Byrne , Kelly and their friend Kathleen ( Barkin ) in hot pursuit .
17 There is no-one to round him off , hold him back and help him to lessen the inevitable path to the eccentricity .
18 ‘ I 'll ring him back and say yes , then . ’
19 Shall I telephone him back and confirm ? ’
20 There were excited exclamations at the sight of the returned Emily and they flocked round her desk to welcome her back and pass on the gossip of the preceding week .
21 Her voice brittle , Luce suggested , ‘ Well , you 'd better phone her back and tell her it 's been found . ’
22 This has led to the view that Bismarck 's real aim was to stifle Austro-Russian conflict by attaching Austria-Hungary to Germany , so that he could hold her back and prevent the two autocracies from mutual destruction .
23 He had thought beforehand that he would have to send her back and deal with Sung some other way , but now he had seen her he felt the need in him , like a strong , dark tar in his blood , and knew he would have to purge himself of that .
24 But , I , what I ca n't understand is , why all of a sudden does he want her back and see the children , well for over a year he kept her away ?
25 " So I was , sir , but I thought my bride had better see something of what 's goin' on in town before I take her back and bury her on the Moor .
26 I should put it back and cover it up .
27 Can we wind it back and listen to it ?
28 I can then print it out or call it back and speak it sentence by sentence .
29 As far as I 'm concerned personally , I think it 's very , very weak , take it back and re-draft it and allow the employees to be in the control of their own destiny , because after a national fraud and a scandal that 's taken place that we could never trust any employer to carry out a scheme .
30 Well ca n't you take it back and get it re-dated
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