Example sentences of "[pers pn] back against the " in BNC.

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1 She spoke brusquely to you and pushed you back against the door of Woolworth 's . ’
2 The second man pushed me back against the wall .
3 Andy yelled , throwing the keys down and grabbing me by the collar and slamming me back against the side of the Landie .
4 He drove me back against the wall , gave me a deep cut in the arm , and began to smile .
5 A tube burst and the blow back threw him back against the tender end .
6 The assassin 's blow threw him back against the wall , hitting it so hard he brought books tumbling from the shelves , but before the assassin 's fingers found his throat he delivered a punch to the man 's belly that must have touched some tender place , because the assault ceased , and the attacker let him go , his eyes fixed for the first time on Gentle 's face .
7 Graham had managed to untie his hands soon after entering the room and lashed out at Samir , catching him on the side of the face with his fist , rocking him back against the wall .
8 As the German doubled over , he raised a knee in his face , sending him back against the bar .
9 When she 'd retrieved the ends of the rope and tied it all together , she sat with her back against the load , adjusting the carrying rope over her forehead .
10 All she later remembered was the strength of his hands on her shoulders as he forced her back against the bark of an apple tree and held her there , imprisoned .
11 She pressed her back against the door , grateful for the support of its solid carved oak .
12 Standing on her hands with her back against the wall , and she wanted him to run at her .
13 She pressed her back against the wall and shuffled on the seat of her jeans to the aperture , her eyes continually flickering towards the open door to ensure she was still out of sight of the shed .
14 With her elegant carriage ( she sits perfectly straight with her back against the chair , rarely fidgeting ) and rather regal bearing , the Baroness sticks out in the room full of younger , rougher inmates like a sore thumb .
15 Instead she stood with her back against the door .
16 Carol sat up , resting her back against the padded headboard .
17 Johnny , disregarding his promise that they should talk , pushed her back against the cushions and slipped his hand inside her dress once more .
18 Merlyn froze , then turned to lean with her back against the door .
19 He pushed her back against the sofa , covering her body with his , devouring her with his mouth .
20 Then , suddenly , she was free as Leo thrust her away with enough force to slam her back against the window and set it rattling behind her .
21 Her eyes widened , and she swallowed down her growing panic , as with cool deliberation he pushed her back against the tree .
22 She was dizzy , intoxicated , unable to think straight as he pushed her back against the pillows , his body covering hers , her senses swimming with the urgent pressure of him between her naked thighs .
23 She settled her back against the stone .
24 He tightened his grip and pushed her back against the door-jamb suddenly .
25 ‘ Oh , do n't be boring , Robyn ! ’ he mumbled , and then , before she could get up , do anything , he was pushing all his weight against her , pressing her back against the bed , half lying across her , holding her wrists so that she had no way of fighting him off .
26 With her back against the sun , her face was shadowed so that he could not see her eyes .
27 But when there was no retort from her granddaughter , she turned her head and looked at the young woman lying with her back against the head of the couch , her eyes closed , the muscles of her jaws showing white through the skin , and , her tone changing , she enquired , ‘ What is it , dear ?
28 Slowly he loosened his arms , leaning her back against the back of the leather sofa , his granite-grey eyes searching her face .
29 Though she would have been more comfortable beside him , with her back against the tree , she did n't want to risk touching him .
30 She sat with her back against the log and busily set about finding the Thermos of water with hands that shook so much that it took every ounce of her control not to spill a drop of the precious liquid as she raised the cup to her lips .
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