Example sentences of "[pers pn] even in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If it 'll make you even in the smallest degree more cheerful . ’
2 As the group grew to 2,000 people I still knew the key people and was able to approach them even in the latter days when I was one of many . ’
3 One Scottish observer noted that " both parties are angry to a higher degree than ever I saw them even in the Exclusion time " .
4 I am greatly touched that she thinks of me and remembers me even in the state of forgetfulness of human affairs in which she now finds herself .
5 While your child is splashing about in the sunshine , be very careful to protect her skin from the sun 's rays , which can still burn her even in the water .
6 I lock mine even in the drive here .
7 In London , the big plane tree stuck in the pavement outside Mrs Parvis 's house had three white rings painted round its black trunk so people could see it even in the dark .
8 ( Wilde was introduced to him by his mother , a librarian , who could n't possibly have anticipated the effect and , apparently , never regretted it even in the seemingly hopeless pre-Smith days of unemployment and complete lack of desire to become gainfully employed . )
9 But what Gentile would read it even in the Greek translation of I Maccabees ?
10 Many a time Adam had drawn him plans and elevations of this nave ; he knew its proportions and could find his way about it even in the night .
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