Example sentences of "[pers pn] may [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Just how petty , greedy and self-interested others really are will be made perfectly clear to you during the next few days and your reaction to them may well be to decide to turn off the charm and the money supply forthwith .
2 But time-wise the gap between them may well be much more important than the time-span within them .
3 Moreover , muscles need different types of exercise ; exercise that contracts muscles but does not elongate them may not be adequate .
4 I and 2.0% suggesting that some of them may still be within the gas window .
5 A very , very few of them may still be alive today , with their memories .
6 The industrialists of the water-power age , out in the open country , had put up houses for their workpeople — as at Cromford , Mellor and Styal , where many of them may still be seen — which were , in Professor Ashton 's words , ‘ not wanting in amenity and comfort ’ and even possessed a certain quality of design and proportion .
7 ‘ If it is so important to you , Miss Kenton , I will allow that the Chinaman behind me may well be incorrectly situated .
8 Yours may well be toothache . ’
9 Every Home has its own way of doing things , and yours may not be run exactly along these lines .
10 I may even be abroad for some of that time . ’
11 Perhaps I may also be permitted to use some of your space to assure your readers that the arrival of Triassic and Lilla for our Summer Gala ( June 20th/21st ) was not intended to be in any way the last minute and the locomotives arrived just two days before the event , so we preferred not to advertise them in advance so as to avoid disappointment .
12 My meadow , which I may well be contemplating with pleasure even as you read this , is a delight .
13 Patting the chair beside him , he told Daisy , ‘ If Perdita gets the scholarship , Sukey and I may well be going out to New Zealand at the same time to buy some ponies , so we can keep an eye on her . ’
14 I may well be addressing a future Inquisitor — ’
15 In the light of the quite different issue which was before the House in Gillick 's case I venture to doubt whether Lord Scarman meant more than that the exclusive right of the parents to consent to treatment terminated , but I may well be wrong .
16 Just across the street from here , I think — although after so long I may well be mistaken .
17 I may just be able to tell you after his funeral . ’
18 ‘ I 'll call you tomorrow , ’ said Lucy , then she whispered , ‘ Only I may not be able to give you a date . ’
19 I may not be screwing Lucy , ’ said Jay coldly .
20 I may not be as much with my family as I should be , but at least I am at home , ’ he reasons .
21 I may not be a wizard with sphygmomanometer , ’ said Wexford derisively , ‘ but I 'm not daft .
22 This time , Eleanor Thorne decided , I must think , I may not be selfish .
23 Having said all of which , I have to admit that I may not be able to vote on Thursday .
24 I may not be able to be with her . ’
25 I may not be an intellectual but I 'm not a fool .
26 I may not be allowed to stay here , ’ the woman said .
27 I may not be a trained speaker , but I do have knowledge .
28 And by the way , I have an appointment in the city around eleven , so I may not be back to stand in for the dinner breaks .
29 I have a busy schedule for the next few days , so I may not be in touch .
30 I may not be able to stay long . ’
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