Example sentences of "[pers pn] is good for " in BNC.

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1 Their argument is that it is good for the tournament , a s well as the players concerned , if as many as possible of the higher ranked competitors survive the early rounds .
2 Androgyny , or what he calls the ‘ liberal supposition ’ that it is good for men and women to become more and more alike , creates in Mailer an aversion , ‘ a species of aesthetic nausea ’ ( pp. 134 — 5 ) .
3 Commitment to sport has to be freely given ; it has to be fun ; it can not be foisted on to the poor or the wayward from above because it is good for them .
4 At first you resent it , but then you get used to it , and it is good for being a creative writer .
5 It is good for vegetarian recipes , too , and the pudding collection is inspiring — try the first gooseberries of the year with a saffron honey custard , for instance .
6 Some say it is good for the Prime Minister to mix with the crowd and others that for a Prime Minister it is less than dignified .
7 It is good for a child to broaden his outlook and mix with children who do n't share his advantages . ’
8 The Bank of England , old nanny that she is at heart , always believes that it is good for her charges to learn patience .
9 It is good for old men to talk straight ; talk straight on both sides and take care of one another .
10 When addressing the problem of Germany 's pre-eminent economic power , he either just says it is good for Europe or he says , ‘ I think our neighbours should overcome the tendency to think in terms of nation-states ’ , while the same thought is expressed by one academic : ‘ in many ways , it no longer makes sense to talk about Germany as a distinct national unit ’ .
11 Save the rainforest because it is good for us .
12 Firstly it is good for our health since it strengthens the heart , secondly it burns up extra calories and helps to increase our metabolic rate , and thirdly it improves the contours of our body .
13 In public debate marriage can take on a political significance as its supporters and opponents do battle over whether or not it is good for men , good for women and good for society .
14 It is good for leaders to be aware of these if only to see that to gather together towards the Lord may take some time .
15 If they wo n't , then it is good for the leader to discuss it in private with the individual .
16 It is good for two or three housegroups to form the basis of the new church .
17 The experience of tragic art confirms that the relation of pleasure and awareness is two-way ; if a welcoming of the sharpest awareness of things from which we most deeply recoil , without any reservations of the sort of ‘ This hurts but it is good for me ’ , can make even the fate of Lear or Oedipus enjoyable , it would seem that there can be no involuntary quickening of awareness without joy .
18 No true supporter of any country would want Wales to remain in the doldrums , but would rather see them return to a competitive level because it is good for the game .
19 ‘ While a smile brightens up everyone 's looks , scientists also tell us it is good for our health because chemicals are produced which actually cheer us up , ’ said toothbrush makers Oral B , which organised the survey .
20 It is good for appraising divisions as each is treated as though it were independent and , provided the divisions are efficient , they should be able to make profits .
21 It is good for children to respond to good contemporary works , written both for children and for adults .
22 They do it so rarely that it is good for them .
23 It is good for all of us , in this beleaguered little rectory , if I do . ’
24 ‘ I believe it is good for artists to teach students .
25 It is good for their strategy because DOS does n't hack it .
26 Do n't buy a hard bed in the mistaken belief that it is good for you .
27 The daily ritual of meal-times , for example , may often contain a wealth of deliberately and non-deliberately imparted information for the child , in part confirming his status as a child ( children should be seen and not heard , children should finish their cabbage because it is good for them ) , in part defining the stages of growing up ( older children sit on ‘ proper ’ chairs , drink out of ‘ proper ’ cups , and use knives and forks ) , and in part defining and reinforcing certain adult identities ( father carves the joint , mother brings food from the stove ) .
28 The common-sense view of sleep is that it is good for you , providing an opportunity for recovery from fatigue , is essential for growth , and crucial in cure from illness .
29 Given that it is good for many people to get out of the home and meet other people at work , and that it is crucially important not to leave re-entry into the labour market until the person 's children have grown up , these disregard rules need to be reversed as soon as possible .
30 Also it is good for such as be melancholike and pensive … " .
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