Example sentences of "[pers pn] is they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Thinking of all the other men who would envy him is they knew .
2 Now then part of it is they ask me You do n't have to , but they ask me to ask people to sign erm to say It 's just to say that you do n't mind your conversation being used .
3 ‘ My lord sheriff , reverend gentlemen , ’ said the earl , ‘ you come very aptly , if Robin has reported your errand rightly , for I confess I 've been tempted to lift the lid on whatever it is they 've brought me from Ullesthorpe .
4 Well then , no , what it is they 've charged for each
5 All three features are designed to convey that Henry is not just looking at the roots but reflecting on them and struggling to think what it is they bring to mind .
6 Police must ‘ find out from our consumers what it is they require from us , how sensitive we are being to their needs and how satisfied they are with the service ’ .
7 I think we have to wait and see what it is they announce . ’
8 Like getting a wage packet again , instead of voting myself a salary as my own director or whatever it is they make me do . ’
9 Some of them will use their votes judiciously in order to bring about whichever outcome it is they seek : the defeat of the John Major government .
10 They become homophobic long before they understand what it is they fear . ’
11 Rarely will they define precisely what it is they wish to find out about dinosaurs or railways , etc .
12 and I reckon what it is they spray the fields with all this stuff
13 Goody points out that the written form of language releases us from the linear experiential mode : ‘ the fact that it takes a visual form means that one can escape from the problem of the succession of events in time , by backtracking , skipping , looking to see who-done-it before we know what it is they did .
14 It seems that this Andrée woman was the star turn there , won all the prizes , played all the parts , set the fashion or whatever it is they look up to at those girl schools , you should know . ’
15 As it is they have to brave all kinds of weather , from high winds which whip away their hymn books to snow which engulfs them in that unsheltered spot .
16 Spilling the knots from one 's entrails out onto paper is n't likely to make a poem or story that others will want to read , but many writers do have to go through the ‘ spilling ’ process in order to know just what it is they have to hammer into shape .
17 I was just going to eat whatever it is they have and then go to sleep .
18 Like UK language schools , ELT publishers , particularly the smaller ones , may need to examine exactly what it is they have to offer .
19 Erm , what it is they have er people in from
20 Never would I wish to do whatever it is they do — nobody would !
21 He used it as a chemical store once it had been deconsecrated or whatever it is they do to unused churches .
22 ‘ Maybe next time Ellis will find me an undercover job that takes me to opium dens in Hong Kong , dusky maidens in Peru and shark-fishing amongst the coral reefs , or whatever it is they do there . ’
23 Humans 'll come back and mend the wheels or whatever it is they do . ’
24 So the builders have gone , and all the old biddies turn up in their Sunday best to say their Hail Marys , or whatever it is they do .
25 the Government will throw aside the whole of these [ competition ] plans and consider what accommodation it is they want , and what sum of money they are prepared to propose to Parliament , and then let them obtain plans suited to the expenditure they propose .
26 More and more of his time and budget , Mr Mitchinson said , was spent on research , because ‘ one of the things we do n't talk about enough is who is buying books , what it is they want , and what makes them buy ’ .
27 It makes me feel insecure — not understanding what it is they want so much .
28 This short book was written to help teachers and student teachers interested in researching what happens in their classrooms to identify what it is they want to investigate and the most appropriate way of setting about it .
29 Erm , I think many of the young people especially go through , never seem to have an interlock er , together to create er , whatever it is they want to .
30 And when you can be clear about what it is you want and be clear what it is they want you 've got more of a chance to get the solution to win win rather than if you 're just interested in your position and your side .
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