Example sentences of "[pers pn] is that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And Mama has written to say how grateful she is that we 'll be able to see how the old house has stood up to the war and cope with any disasters for her . ’
2 in which he says that erm the more convinced that she is that it 's going to be fatal in its operation , the more determined apparently she is that Adam shall share .
3 Our pledge to you is that we owe no allegiance to any manufacturer ( though we reserve the right to let their best brains entertain and inform you on these pages ) .
4 What Steve is saying r recommending to you is that we do n't take up that purchase this year , which is in our budget .
5 We provide a platform for people to earn substantial money erm you know the only guarantee we give you is that we will give you the opportunity .
6 The building materials side is primarily issues held by the er , the private sector and issue of the waste by factories is something which is the subject of er new er regulations which are often advice which is expected shortly from the Department of Trade and Industry and and we are awaiting obviously for that to come out to see what should happen and therefore our advice to you is that we should contin continue to keep these issues under review through the waste er advisory matter the waste er Planning and Policy panel .
7 I think probably one of the key things that I would want to get over to you is that we , we do n't actually hear from you enough .
8 All I can tell you is that someone seems to want to harm you .
9 What any German industrialist will tell you is that his workforce is better trained than the UK 's .
10 Suppose that you decide that the employee 's main payoff from constantly telephoning you is that he receives encouragement and reassurance .
11 ‘ What I was going to tell you is that he had written her a part in one of his plays .
12 But the one thing that does impress itself on you is that he 's so very competent .
13 ‘ All I shall tell you is that she 's somebody Mother knows . ’
14 All Lori will tell you is that she knows nothing about the jade , ’ Paige advised him steadily .
15 The unspoken message of the video they lend you is that you start the week head-planting in the snow and finish it bouncing imperturbably down virgin slopes .
16 The best thing for me to tell you is that you must listen to what you are told about ‘ god ’ , but try to remember that as you get older , you will have to make up your own mind what to believe .
17 And then after a brief explanation , ‘ The only reason I write to you is that you warned me this would happen . ’
18 Whatever your scenario in December , what is being brought home to you is that you can no longer stand on the sidelines of your own life .
19 My one wish for you is that you will be given the strength and the courage to deal with the matter in accordance with that great and solemn oath which you have taken .
20 My one wish for you is that you will be given the strength and the courage to deal with the matter in accordance with that great and solemn oath which you have taken . ’
21 Cos what normally happens is with tetanus , that the reason it kills you is that you stop breathing because your muscles that work your lungs , the diaphragm , the intercostal muscles between the ribs , those seize up and you just stop breathing .
22 And er with that in mind , it 's possible that people do want to top up their income , because the one thing I will stress to you is that you do n't want to have to start having to back-pedal er when you retire .
23 ‘ Of course what people find impossible to understand about you is that you genuinely do n't know what effect you have on men . ’
24 ‘ One of the things I like about you is that you 're so ridiculous . ’
25 So whi what I 'm trying to say to you is that you should have four sides of written text , whether it 's on two pages , three or four What I will do is go through the headings and give you a very brief description of that so that you know roughly what 's in them .
26 ‘ All I ask of you is that you please let me go . ’
27 what we 'll say to you is that you got that parcel on Tuesday
28 What I 'm saying to you is that you are
29 ‘ The main reason that I am contacting you is that I thought you might be interested to know that John ( stage name Joan Rawson ) was awarded the Eric Rowley Trophy for the artist who has done the most for charity over the last 12 months .
30 The only difference with you is that I used two grains of gunpowder and no oil .
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