Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [adj] part " in BNC.

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1 Our campaign has focused on the infantry because it is that part of the army which is most stretched .
2 It is all part of Roddick 's determination to imbue retailing with a higher status in society .
3 It is all part of a revolution in quality in Britain .
4 For it may well be that in America , it is all part of what is considered good professional service that an employee provide entertaining banter .
5 In the end it makes no difference , it is all part of the manifestation of the existence of an area of human life that can not be ignored .
6 It is all part of the countdown process until we get on air in January . ’
7 For them it is all part of a culture and religion which must be tolerated .
8 Experts believe it is all part of a wartime spirit of looking on the bright side .
9 There is also the safety aspect : if you have bad lighting or dangerously worn carpet on part of the staircase , waiting for a few years to tackle the problem because it is all part of the grand plan could prove very false economy indeed .
10 It is all part of the game .
11 It is all part of the job .
12 It is all part of the process of turning the uncivilised and savage little child into a good citizen .
13 It is all part and parcel of the selling technique .
14 It is all intended , it is all part of the plan .
15 When you look more closely at this apparently innocent use of words , it is easy to see that it is all part of a very carefully engineered process .
16 Many of you , I know , believe Smott 's substitution after four minutes was because he was out of his depth , but I can assure you it is all part of my master plan which I am painstakingly developing on a game-by-game basis .
17 It is all part of the same problem with you , is it not ?
18 It is all part of living and breathing , doing things that come naturally .
19 It is all part of the psychological phenomenon of coming out of recession .
20 It is all part of our input into the world .
21 In fact , the SDDR , upon which work has progressed well and speedily — it is all part of the relief road system round the city — has started to discharge traffic at a great rate on to the A6 at Oadby , which is seeking to percolate further south on the A6 or further east towards the A47 .
22 It is all part of the service which places the reputation of Stoddard Templeton amongst the highest , at reputation that is upheld by their sales representatives , the ‘ Ambassadors ’ of the company .
23 It is all part of gathering more power , whatever may be said by the Government about his intentions int into the hands of Whitehall and into the hands of ministers who at the moment will be Conservative , but very shortly I think are likely to be Labour .
24 It is one part only of an attack upon five great evils : upon the physical Want with which it is directly concerned , upon Disease which often causes Want and brings many other troubles in its train , upon Ignorance which no democracy can afford among its citizens , upon the Squalor which arises mainly through haphazard distribution of industry and population , and upon Idleness which destroys wealth and corrupts men , whether they are well-fed or not , when they are idle . ’
25 Differences between the three main systems in use mainly concern punctuation , use of parentheses and the order of elements which must be cited ; but while these may seem small discrepancies , it is one part of the process of research to assess at some point the different conventions governing the listing and presentation of sources , and to present work accurately according to whatever set of conventions you are following .
26 The school closed in 1987 and it is this part , together with the old playground and grassed area , which the RIBA have purchased and converted into offices .
27 Whilst the 60MHz iteration ca n't be clocked any faster , the 66MHz mask is designed to go to 100MHz and it is this part , touted as providing two-to-three times the performance of the 80486 , which Intel will use as a springboard for the launch of other Pentium family members — see back page .
28 Firstly , it is this part of the brain which absorbs the social and sexual training which we receive from our earliest years and it governs our thoughts and actions accordingly .
29 It is this part of Italy which today possesses the finest Byzantine architecture and art in the peninsula , in Ravenna itself , in Venice and the Venetian Lagoon and in Istria .
30 Er are you saying that it is any part of the Council 's case that this land th it it 's it is er a possibility that having this land as a strategic reserve er can er is of assistance , or are you saying that it is simply er having included it in , it might form part of a strategic reserve ?
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