Example sentences of "[pers pn] is [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And Mama has written to say how grateful she is that we 'll be able to see how the old house has stood up to the war and cope with any disasters for her . ’
2 Seeing this stranger among the gleaners Boaz asks his foreman about Ruth , and she is as we 've mentioned , she , he talks about her diligence , about her respectful ways , about her , her consideration for other and Boaz offers to her , three things , he offers to her guidance he says , do n't go anywhere else , you stay here .
3 Our pledge to you is that we owe no allegiance to any manufacturer ( though we reserve the right to let their best brains entertain and inform you on these pages ) .
4 What Steve is saying r recommending to you is that we do n't take up that purchase this year , which is in our budget .
5 We provide a platform for people to earn substantial money erm you know the only guarantee we give you is that we will give you the opportunity .
6 The building materials side is primarily issues held by the er , the private sector and issue of the waste by factories is something which is the subject of er new er regulations which are often advice which is expected shortly from the Department of Trade and Industry and and we are awaiting obviously for that to come out to see what should happen and therefore our advice to you is that we should contin continue to keep these issues under review through the waste er advisory matter the waste er Planning and Policy panel .
7 I think probably one of the key things that I would want to get over to you is that we , we do n't actually hear from you enough .
8 I think the general concept that we is that we do not want to erm envisage we hope we will not envisage proposals which generate a scale of development erm which is quite clearly not related erm to the needs of the Greater York area .
9 Possible R O A , cross curricular , we 'd like to keep that as it is but we can change that .
10 no hope we do n't lose it on that Tim , it 's got all my money in at the moment , it 's a really good one is n't it , we 're really enjoying it at the moment does n't what number it is but we just , what do we do with this ?
11 So it is that we must also support voluntary action and volunteering as essential in a healthy democracy in a civilised society .
12 It is also said that he leaves the defence undermanned , but neither charge was proved on Saturday as Barcelona rode adversity in an absorbing match that emphasised , as one knew it would , how hurried and imprecise so much of the British game has become and how necessary it is that we cherish such exceptions as Liverpool , Norwich and Nottingham Forest if the art is not essentially to be driven out .
13 If they were not told the embarrassing source of these words — and perhaps even if they were — most Asians would give a vigorous nod of approval to the sentiments expressed by Neville Chamberlain when Germany annexed the Sudetenland in 1938 : ‘ How horrible , fantastic , incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing . ’
14 The method concerns itself both with what the underlying unit actually is , and also with how likely it is that we are observing a real effect rather than some random one .
15 This objection helps to reveal why it is that we regard a hierarchical classification as natural .
16 The notion of an avant-garde sensibility here functions simply as the ‘ other ’ of existing television ( just as much of the most interesting experimental video refunctions existing television as its other ) , a point outside the discourse of actually existing television from which we can argue about what it is that we actually want .
17 Well , we do see a good deal of what is around us and not simply whatever it is that we happen to be staring at .
18 It is not that , in the face of a system of chattel slavery , we first insist on counting everyone 's interests equitably and then see if slaves should be liberated ; it is that we first recognise the moral imperative to liberate them , on grounds other than counting equal interests equally .
19 Apart from confirmation that in dictatorships , scientific corruption flourishes together with the more venal kinds , perhaps it is that we should not accept the recent predictions of Argentina 's early possession of an independent nuclear arsenal without some reservation .
20 In verses three to five the psalmist reminds us who it is that we are coming to .
21 If we could say ‘ I know ’ only when we could also say exhaustively how it is that we know , it would create just as much a problem for the sophisticated philosopher as for those of us who are simpler .
22 This is why all of us will doubt at some point , whatever it is that we believe .
23 Thus it is that we know as much as we do about the Orynthia and her voyages in the late 1830s .
24 So it is that we can apply to research of different disciplinary provenance general criteria of appraisal approved by the wider culture of intellectual enquiry .
25 They seem to have happened periodically over the last 900 million years , and may have been doing so since the early days of Earth ( the longer ago something happened , the less likely it is that we will have tripped over the evidence ) .
26 But such emotions are themselves informed by the way in which we see the world , by our conceptions of what it is that we find desirable or fearful .
27 We do not mean merely freedom to do as we like irrespectively of what it is that we like .
28 Our eyes do not wander randomly around the page when we are reading , but certain sorts of words are fixated more often than others ( O'Regan , 1979 ) , and this means that we must know in advance of a fixation where it is that we are going to look next .
29 It is that we might , in other than merely a logical sense , have got yesterday but not last night .
30 It is that we have a single conception of effects , rather than several .
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