Example sentences of "[pers pn] the [adj] night " in BNC.

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1 More than any other sound , more even than the grunting roar of a lion , their howling evokes for me the African night .
2 Well , we just got talking and she agreed to have dinner with me the following night .
3 What someone said to me the other night is that you 've got 75% of it and that 's good .
4 He said : ‘ Alan rang me the other night and told me to bring my hosepipe because he 's on fire at the moment .
5 ‘ But you only saw me the other night !
6 My ever difficult told me the other night I needed to change my attitudes and lifestyle and to realise I would not get another job at my age .
7 One of the tragedies to that it has now become so expensive but is very difficult but not because it was sponsored but somebody told me the other night that the Billy Connolly programme excuse me Billy Connolly programme about art and culture was
8 ‘ You were pretty fed up with me the other night — on the phone . ’
9 He pushed me the other night .
10 They told , Diane told me the other night though , she 's had three years that she should n't have had .
11 He told me , he told me the other night .
12 Yes I I was erm the additional information that was available to me at this time , er Sergeant the er having left me the previous night er had actually , had gone to the premises erm , gone to the flats erm and had er put himself in the area of the flat and was able to tell me that he had heard voices , two male voices coming from within the flat .
13 Do they know who lies beside them the long night through , under the overhanging cliffs recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as having the only sunless spot in Britain , summer or winter ?
14 Neither Fedorov nor the man who had evaded them the other night had put in an appearance , and the chance of their doing so now seemed remote .
15 We had them the other night . "
16 Were you having trouble with them the other night ?
17 I was thinking of them the other night , well they er , five at least erm they were
18 Yes you can , they 're on the top , you reached them the other night .
19 They had few friends in France , and without them the dazzling night life meant nothing .
20 ‘ For goodness ’ sake , surely you did n't fall for all that nonsense of his the other night ?
21 ‘ I forget to tell you the other night .
22 I warned you the other night , me and you gon na fall out if you keep being cheeky .
23 ‘ Washing never used to take you the whole night , two hours or more . ’
24 ‘ I was with him the other night and some of the things he was saying , I know that if he found out about us … ’
25 In fact I had dinner with him the other night … ’
26 Frightened him the other night
27 Yeah he do n't eat too many he likes he like they but he wo n't erm I had to say to him the other night .
28 you said to him the other night .
29 Bill thought I 'd died on him the other night cos I was , you know , me breathing and everything , and then all of a sudden I must 've relaxed for a bit and not needed to breathe and he give me a shock he says God I thought you were dead .
30 He has us in fits and the funny thing was we were sat listening to him the other night , all having us dinner , we 're sat at table and it was ever so quiet listening to him and he sort of erm he mimics the other bird
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