Example sentences of "[noun pl] both [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They decided to make piezonuclear fusion their primary aim with detection of gamma rays ( by a sodium iodide detector ) and neutrons both on the menu .
2 The way in which each child adapts to defective vision will be individual , and there are considerations both in the causes of defective sight and the effects of these on the way that children can use their vision .
3 tt right , yeah , incomes have risen throughout the world and that impacts both on the demand for agricultural products and also the demand for manufactured products but what do we know about demand elasticities for those two products , income elasticities what 's the income elasticity of manufactured goods ?
4 Money market activity has developed very rapidly in London in the last thirty years , partly due to the growth of the financial sector in general , but also because of the increasing demand for sophisticated financial services by clients both in the UK and abroad .
5 Furthermore , when another methyl group is added to dimethylethanolamine it becomes choline , which is the basis of acetylcholine , one of the most important chemical messengers both within the brain and between nerves and muscles in the body .
6 The Slavs were mainly adherents of the Orthodox Church , and many of the Slav clergy saw in the Russian Church an ally in the struggle against the Phanariot Greek clergy , backed by the sultan , who wished to remove Slav influences both from the liturgy and from the administration of the Church .
7 The Faculty has the advantage of being located in the centre of the Scottish legal system with its own distinctive legal traditions , one of which is an historic openness to influences both from the civilian systems of Europe and the Anglo-American common law .
8 The predefined outcome for the evaluation of efficacy was the complete disappearance of gall stones , assessed with two consecutive ultrasound examinations ( Ultramark 8 , annular array , probe 5 Mhz , ATL ) within three months both in the supine and upright positions .
9 There were considerable savings both on the capital cost of power stations and on their operating costs .
10 After the expiry of the Palestine mandate entrusted to Britain at the 1920 San Remo conference , the state of Israel , founded in May 1948 and since then cherished and sustained by jews all over the world , entered the state of war with its Arab neighbours which has persisted ever since , further stimulated by the activities of Palestinian militants and their sympathizers both in the occupied territories and farther afield .
11 He was a lot in the news this autumn as he made a lot of goals both in the league as well as in the UEFA-cup .
12 This is a distinction which has been at the heart of a good deal of post-war curricular reform in the schools both in the USA and the UK ( see , for example , Bruner 1960 ) , and which will be explored further in due course .
13 Having iced the cake with a plain layer of royal icing and then left it to dry , I have made copies of small pressed flower pictures both on the top , as a centrepiece , and with small sprays around the sides of the cake .
14 He played numerous cameo roles both on the large and the small screen : in The Charge of the Light Brigade and Hamlet for the cinema and in Hess , Disraeli and Suez for television .
15 I have been able to fulfil Mintzberg 's managerial roles both within the three functions discussed and a primary nursing organisational framework .
16 Gouzenko 's involvement in the allegations against Sir Roger Hollis was the result of statements he made during the lengthy debriefing following his defection when he claimed there were two Russian spies both with the codename Elli .
17 Under Khrushchev , however , there was a reassessment , and Soviet policy from this time onwards began to seek links of all kinds with the developing nations both at the political level and through trade , investment , arms sales , the training of students and so forth .
18 The mountains form a defensive barrier which keeps invaders out , but they also harbour many dangerous foes both on the surface and beneath their tall peaks .
19 Our attitudes are profoundly influenced by our own experiences both in the past and in the present .
20 Mail order selling has advantages both for the customer and the retailer .
21 The Councils of the Institute and Faculty are determined that we should strive to achieve even more influence within our areas of expertise and this will call for ever greater involvement of our current and future members in these areas both in the UK and overseas , particularly Europe .
22 A comparable uncertainty about the conventional wisdom of past decades can be found among political scientists concerning the forces shaping the state and influencing its responses both to the market and to civil society .
23 The syndicate leader has obligations both to the borrower and to participating banks .
24 The gear-lever is , in this example , declared to have associations both with the cover and the passenger compartment ( in practice many others would also occur ) .
25 The first decision to be made is whether to add and extend paths strictly from left-to-right through the utterance ; or whether to allow a middle-out strategy that extends hypotheses both to the left and to the right of some island of comparative certainty ; or whether to implement a combination of these .
26 In the case of adolescents , this course can have important repercussions both for the individual woman and for the society though , in some countries , social policy moderates the incidence of the phenomenon and cushions its effect .
27 The blanket imposition of bail conditions on striking miners had dramatic effects both on the individual concerned and on the ability of the N.U.M. to mount effective pickets .
28 The redistribution of revenue involved would have varied and often unwelcome effects both on the revenue of some local authorities and on the tax burden of employers in some areas .
29 Evaluating the benefits of co-operative R&D ventures is difficult because they can have effects both on the amount of R&D spent on particular projects and on the state of competition in relevant output markets .
30 Thus far Easthope 's ideas have affinities both with the New Critical applications of modernism , and Lewis 's independentminded traditionalism .
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