Example sentences of "[noun pl] should [be] given " in BNC.

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1 Mr Fallon said : ‘ I would have to think very seriously about it as I do not think Dr Clarke 's views should be given air time . ’
2 ‘ Their views should be given weight only when they are clearly representative of opinion in the Parliamentary party or the Conservative Party as a whole , ’ he said on the same programme .
4 Rewards should be given :
5 From the tone is dull and lifeless , and no important solo-work revolving round these notes should be given to the clarinet .
6 As a general principle it was recommended that hearings should be in public and that reasons should be given for decisions .
7 Both the European Directive and the principles of natural justice required that there should be a full inquiry before a recommendation is made , and reasons should be given for the recommendation .
8 Whether reasons should be given will be considered below .
9 No implication will usually be made that reasons should be given ( see Price v Bouch ( 1987 ) 53 P & C R257 ) unless to withhold them would be a breach of good faith , but once reasons are vouchsafed , whether orally or in writing , they will be open to scrutiny by the court .
10 So we consider that creditors should be given this duty .
11 ( i ) Preferential creditors As a matter of policy , insolvency law has to determine ( a ) what constitutes insolvency proceedings and ( b ) whether any particular class of creditors should be given protection in the insolvency of a company and accorded a statutory preference over some or all of the company 's creditors .
12 If sumatriptan induces symptoms suggestive of angina , nitrates should be given .
13 National Park Authorities should be given last resort compulsory purchase powers ( on a similar basis to Section 29 Orders ) to be used where voluntary agreements fail .
14 National Park Authorities should be given last resort compulsory purchase powers under new legislation on a similar basis to Section 29 ( of the Wildlife and Countryside Act , 1981 ) applying to NCC .
15 A report , launched last week by inquiry chairman Anthony Scrivener QC , says local authorities should be given the cash to provide more bail support schemes .
16 The report recommended that local authorities should be given the leading role in planning and co-ordinating community care .
17 Local authorities should be given some money to get them out of the mess .
18 Some MPs are suggesting that local authorities should be given the power to compel farmers to protect hedges .
19 If they are , will they honour their own commitment by recognising that the overwhelming majority of parents want to stay with local authorities and that therefore local authorities should be given all the backing and support possible by the Government to make a success of their role in the future .
20 For where it has been drawn is everywhere ; from the insistence of Thorndike , and the early behaviourists like Watson and Hull , that all is to be explained , including human behaviour , in terms of conditioned reflexes , to the open-handedness of well-meaning liberationists like Rollin who argue that even worms and sea anemones should be given the benefit of the doubt since we can not be certain that they do not feel pain and therefore have a consciousness ( 1981 : 31 ) .
21 Their use as a screen or selector seems to dictate the curriculum rather than merely to reflect it , and to bring it about that easily measurable accomplishments should be given priority , the repeating of acquired factual information , or the mechanical performance of skills picked up without understanding .
22 Similarly , education in library use , often involving planned programmes should be given by the professional library staff .
23 Tobacco is a drug and addicts should be given a chance to ease off gradually .
24 Information on road and rail access to both the workplace and schools should be given .
25 Someone in the occupational health department or specific tutors should be given responsibility for student welfare and be trained as counsellors .
26 We suggest the following : when an additional risk factor ( preterm labour , prolonged rupture of membranes , or fever ) is present conventional culture and a rapid test should be performed , and if either gives a positive , result antibiotics should be given during labour .
27 In some cases — for example , maternal pyrexia and prolonged rupture of membranes — the rapid test is unnecessary and antibiotics should be given regardless of carriage .
28 The fans should be given relevant football at an affordable price in a degree of comfort .
29 Mr Delors said that in the short run MEPs should be given greater powers to hold the EC executive responsible when national governments transferred powers to Brussels — under a new European treaty for economic and monetary union .
30 Although the idea that the remedies should be given singly is the classical approach and was advocated strongly by the American physician Dr James Tyler Kent , other approaches , developed particularly in France and Germany , use mixtures of remedies .
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