Example sentences of "[noun pl] should [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 There was no more objective reason why firearms should not have been used in burglaries and bank hold-ups thirty or sixty years ago than today ; but it ‘ was n't done ’ — until it was discovered that it was done , that you could do it .
2 Work on drilling more than 100 anchors should already have started by the time you read this .
3 What , do you think that there 's any connection between what you mentioned before about when you claimed for er bomb damage erm that working class people about being , supposed to have a piano , do you think there 's a connection between that sort of idea and the idea of people that lived in Harlow in Council houses should n't have cars ?
4 Thus , in 1614 James I , believing that he was making presents more valuable than his ambassadors at foreign courts were receiving , ordered that in future the French and Spanish resident ambassadors , who had hitherto been given 4,000 ounces of plate on their departure , should in future receive only half as much and that the representatives of lesser states should also have their customary allowance cut by half .
5 The Medicines Information Bill is founded on two main principles : that those who keep secrets should not have the last word on where secrecy begins and ends and that openness should be the rule and secrecy the exception .
6 In each case their representative raised the question of the lack of medical evidence , and said the authorities should not have rushed to take children into care on the basis of unchecked statements from other children .
7 Widdicombe proposed ( para. 6.109 ) that SRAs should continue but that local authorities should not have the discretion to opt out .
8 The hon. Member for Tayside , North ( Mr. Walker ) talked about subsidies , and that leads me straight to the idea which has sometimes been muttered during the debate — that the mines should not have a subsidy .
9 So they got together and decided to hide their cider and wine so the Germans should n't have it .
10 Perhaps Mr Smith 's book and the reaction to it imply that accounts should not have been like this : that it should be possible to take them as a straightforward objective statement of performance .
11 As a teenager , Goldberg was leader of the Berlin Philharmonic under Furtwängler in the 1920s ; in the 1970s he was still in fine form , and his recordings should surely have been re-released on this occasion .
12 Marxists should not have to assume that the connections between the state and monopoly capital are so crude and direct ; there may be impersonal causation behind state officials ' support for capitalist production ( Offe and Ronge , 1975 ) .
13 The rings of Saturn are indeed spectacular , but we now know that Jupiter , Uranus and Neptune likewise have rings : it is strange that the visiting extraterrestrials should not have mentioned this .
14 When those at the level of schools read about allegations of incompetence on the part of the earlier separate Universities Funding Council and about the individual difficulties of separate universities , they felt frustration about the apparent misuse of money in other sectors or believed that if other people got their sums wrong , they in schools should also have been excused .
15 Thrifts should never have been subsidised and led into junk in the first place .
16 In a letter to a newspaper , their solicitor Tim Robinson says that his clients should never have been prosecuted at all .
17 Even if this is difficult to provide , candidates should not have to wait around in a very public area .
18 It is important that fieldwork should be properly supervised and that is why all professional research agencies get their field supervisors to make check calls on people who have been included in a sample and why fieldworkers should always have someone to turn to if they have any doubts or are in any difficulties .
19 Engineers should also have an appreciate of the causes of human errors so that the reasons behind safe operation and design practices can be appreciated ( see Appendix 2 ) .
20 Parents should not have wrong expectations of their children .
21 believes lifeguards should never have to save lives — if they are doing their job properly .
22 Shortly before David Hunt , Minister of State for the Environment , announced drastic changes in the ‘ safety net ’ arrangements to the conference , he was warned once again that poll tax payers in prudent council areas should not have to subsidise the profligate .
23 Individuals should also have the right to choose their own time of retirement .
24 Now as everyone of a decent age knows bands should always have brass in them .
25 Lord Bingham also decided not to recommend that international banks should only have one auditor .
26 It is perhaps appropriate that in an age which can design its high-speed trains to resemble aeroplanes and its low-speed trains to resemble buses , its stations should equally have no identifiable association with the railways .
27 Boards should only have one role : as independent representatives of the interests of the company 's share-holders .
28 He found that although in theory , workovers should not have caused changes to the wells ' productivity , productivity had been reduced — by up to 40 per cent in some cases .
29 Is it a new editorial policy that New Scientist will investigate the number and source of replies to advertisements within its pages and then print snide remarks about why the unsuccessful applicants should n't have applied in the first place ?
30 Applicants should normally have a degree or Higher National Diploma in an agricultural science or related ( including geography ) subject .
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