Example sentences of "[noun pl] did [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While some schools did evaluate in committee the development of the library in the context of the project — and it is clear that developments in pedagogy were attributed at least partly to the project — we were not made aware of any which specifically monitored the number of times children and teachers borrowed or read books purchased specifically with project funds .
2 As the evaluation of both the Major and Minor Projects shows , teachers in project schools did argue with force that the use made of the library by both teachers and pupils had increased in volume and changed in kind .
3 Individual schools did enter into correspondence with the TES over its reporting of the full HMI report , and over the findings themselves .
4 For an instance where one of the parties did object to the principle , see Chelsea Man plc v Vivat Holdings plc ( 1989 ) unreported , Court of Appeal , 24 August discussed at 13.8.2 : and for two examples of how an expert dealt with points of law , see 13.8.3 .
5 Speaker variables were used to interpret the results of the analysis rather than as an input to it , and in fact speakers did fall into ethnic , status and age groups ( cf.
6 On the other hand it would be so much simpler for explanatory purposes if animals did behave like the rational egoists of classical economics .
7 On this occasion , in fact , a reply of sorts did occur to me as I stood up there on the ladder ; a reply to the effect that those of our profession , although we did not see a great deal of the country in the sense of touring the countryside and visiting picturesque sites , did actually see more of England than most , placed as we were in houses where the greatest ladies and gentlemen of the land gathered .
8 In the early 1790s , however , like canals , the trusts did feature in a general investment boom , as they did again in 1809 – 12 .
9 In his view Tom was being used as a pawn in the relationship between his parents and unless his parents did come to an arrangement whereby ‘ a more stable home situation ’ was provided , Tom would benefit from a residential school placement .
10 Surely if the judges did come to their decision on the grounds of relative merit , they should be prepared to defend it ?
11 The two areas did differ in the level of statutory service provision ; in Ipswich , home help input was available only two or three days a week for up to one and a half hours at a time , and a financial assessment and payment for home help had recently been introduced .
12 Though Arabs did emigrate to Egypt , the large majority of the population was unchanged , and indeed a significant minority of some 10 per cent remained committed Copts .
13 The Court decided that although the hours thresholds did amount to indirect discrimination , they were not contrary to European Community law since they could be ‘ objectively justified ’ on policy grounds .
14 Distinctive directors did emerge at the end of the decade .
15 Finally whilst it is true that prices and costs did increase between 1978 and 1987 , none of this was directly attributable to expenditures on the Mahaweli Project , which was financed by outright grants and concessionary loans from friendly governments : basic social services and food subsidies were never curtailed .
16 The universities did bid for the students , but all at the same top price , and the system was consigned to the UFC file marked ‘ fiasco . ’
17 Moreover , despite the conservatism in design , the capital cost per MW of generating stations did decline in real terms , by more than a quarter in the period affected by the BEA 's decisions in its first five years , a decline almost as rapid as that achieved later .
18 Further , when the Visigoths did return to Gaul , it was to an area where Athaulf had once established his court .
19 What studies did contribute to was its amendment , its clarification , its reinterpretation , its revision , its incorporation and almost replacement by other perspectives , in light of accumulating evidence from a wide range of studies .
20 Where a claim arises allegedly due to storm damage it has to be established that storm conditions did occur in the area , on the date of the alleged damage .
21 Pre-tax profits were down 94.2% at £5.2m , but last year 's figures did benefit from a distribution from the UK pension fund , worth £90m — actual profits in 1992 were £200,000 .
22 In spite of the social dislocation and consumer privations that Stalinism wrought , it must be said that the ruthless and heavy-handed mobilisation of human and economic resources did succeed in achieving impressive growth rates and in building up a solid industrial infrastructure in what , with the exceptions of Germany and Czechoslovakia , had been largely agrarian countries .
23 The support of school managers did emerge as a key factor in library success .
24 In eighteen , between eighteen fifteen and eighteen eighteen er the great powers did intervene in France .
25 Ooooooh , how her leg muscles did ache from holding her skirt in this proper fashion — with blue flowers on it .
26 Then , since this House in Thomas 's case had accepted that judicial review by way of certiorari did lie to the visitor at least to restrain an abusive process , they held that there was jurisdiction to correct errors of law since ‘ illegality ’ is one of the accepted heads of judicial review .
27 Overall these indicate that while the rate of victimization recorded in the annual surveys did increase in the 1970s and 1980s , this was at a substantially lower rate ( 1 per cent on average ) than the officially recorded crime-rate ( 3.5–5 per cent average annual increase ; cf.
28 Every moment of their spare time had been spent cleaning and painting , and , with the help of Helen 's handyman , they had put up shelves and partitions , and the gleaming , spotless rooms did credit to their hard work .
29 What the murders did reflect in an odd way was the convulsing extremism — at both ends of a polarized spectrum — that existed between right and left , counter-culture and establishment , in 1969 , when Easy Rider was released .
30 Thus Sir Archibald Geikie ( of the Geological Survey ) in an address at Birmingham in 1898 deplored the idea of splitting schools into two sides or sections ; but the trend towards specialization proved hard to control , and to some the sciences did seem to be all that needed to be known .
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