Example sentences of "[noun pl] when she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She pursed her lips when she looked at him .
2 He had begun it , but she was an active participant now , her breast voluptuously offered to the sensual onslaught of his parted lips when she knew she should be shrinking from them .
3 That had been one of the biggest worries when she had first fled to France : what was everyone going to say ?
4 Then she thought of Miss Clinton , and of her daddy and his white face as he ran to the car to chase Miss Clinton — and of poor Aunt Nellie and her scared eyes when she realised what she 'd done .
5 Thanks to the operation of Murphy 's Law relating to parents , they were coming downstairs hand-in-hand just as Jo 's mother walked in the door ; nobody in the whole room could have missed the flash of alarm in Lorna Lewis 's huge , upswept , blue eyes when she saw her elder daughter coming downstairs with a boy .
6 Unlike the adults , who are used to seeing people looking at them through the underwater viewing window , the baby could n't believe her eyes when she saw people under the water and kept going back down to have another look .
7 She could not believe her eyes when she saw the Tillers being marched off in the crocodile line to the English Girls ' Club after rehearsals .
8 Rosie cringed and showed the whites of her eyes when she looked up at her master .
9 Her grey eyes when she looked at me made me tremble .
10 The boldness of her eyes when she had greeted him had spoken of no social fear .
11 MARGARET WINDSOR , a mathematical modeller in Harwell 's Combustion Centre could n't believe her eyes when she arrived for work .
12 They lend her the viability of shared experience , giving her the confidence to shrug her shoulders when she feels like it .
13 Her burns had left pale patches on her body , like distemper on windfallen fruit , and her pelvis mended in a twisted shape , leaving one leg four inches shorter than the other , and shooting pains through her back and shoulders when she moved .
14 She stopped making entries when she began work on the Treatise .
15 He 'd never once forgotten to lock up the hens when she 'd asked him .
16 But he had gone only a few paces when she called to him .
17 THE Duchess of York flashed a rare smile during a day of tantrums when she posed with daughters in the snow yesterday .
18 Bridget concealed her pregnancy from everybody until she was about four months when she told her boyfriend , who was not the baby 's father .
19 Suzannah Reddan had been working at a pub in north-west London for six months when she disappeared in March 1988 .
20 Millie had been home for nearly three months when she received a letter from Annabel .
21 But she had only been there four months when she fell prey to supervisor Brian McConville who subjected her to a harrowing sexual harassment ordeal .
22 Mrs M. 's husband , a coal-miner , had been out of work for nine months when she applied unsuccessfully for her union card .
23 They had known it was not right to separate a man from his wife for several months when she had a young baby and a business , in a manner of speaking , to care for .
24 She ached with sympathy for him , and if this had been Christmas , or any time in those months when she had felt they were friends , she would have pulled him into her arms and soothed him with soft hands and whispered words .
25 ‘ I did n't bother buying a crib ; Rachel went straight into her carrycot and stayed there until she was four months when she moved to the cot .
26 ‘ I could n't believe my ears when she said she hated her father , ’ Anne said .
27 His lips moved as if he was about to say something , but he had not formed the words when she interrupted him .
28 She had repeated those words when she said goodbye .
29 She had taken a very few steps when she heard someone running up behind her .
30 She caused a few titters when she said she 'd held the court in the church for the convenience of all parties .
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