Example sentences of "[noun pl] why she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After her arrest , she told police why she became a call girl .
2 It was one of the more simple reasons why she denied the pregnancy , even to herself , for so long .
3 They were the reasons why she had never wanted children .
4 Indeed , one of the reasons why she had liked this house was because it was near St Basil 's which appeared to be a ‘ suitable ’ church for her .
5 She 'd known he 'd think that and that was one of the reasons why she had n't wanted to get into this conversation in the first place .
6 Economy is just one of the reasons why she travels light , choosing to use as little equipment as possible .
7 Economy is just one of the reasons why she travels light , choosing to use as little equipment as possible .
8 ‘ We do n't know the reasons why she took them ( the tablets ) .
9 She showed her beautiful teeth again — perhaps one of the reasons why she liked to smile so readily .
10 There were a lot of reasons why she did n't want to get involved in Maxim 's domestic life , particularly when he seemed to be intent on jumping from the tenth storey of his career structure — but in the end , why not ?
11 That 's one of the main reasons why she 's been so frightened .
12 There will , of course , be reasons why she has never ‘ grown up ’ emotionally , and most of them will be no fault of her own .
13 Certainly , it was these qualities that drew her to him in the first place , but now … these were not the true reasons why she stayed with him .
14 I was asking a women why she did not keep herself more tidy and make herself attractive to her husband .
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