Example sentences of "[noun pl] out in [art] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd discover he had n't locked the hen-house when she went to let the hens out in the morning .
2 As your journey takes you into the lush splendour of the Dee Valley , one landmark in particular stands out in a dazzling blaze of colour .
3 I think generally speaking you erm schools out in the country are better .
4 Commercial tools and technology manager Nancy Colwell claimed that systems management tools from a company with longevity such as CA was the most highly requested demand from Sun users , while Sun president Scott McNealy claimed that Sun would have up to 10,000 commercial servers out in the field by the end of the year .
5 Have you any idea what it was like round here in those days ? — women and kids out in the fields till all hours , gleaning , stone-picking , hauling the wagons when they got bogged down .
6 As stylish as ever despite his 51 years , Jeff King took charge with David Nicholson 's Dreamers Delight three furlongs out in the ‘ Golden Oldies ’ charity challenge .
7 ‘ At nights , ’ said the Canadian , ‘ it was so cold that you could n't sleep at all , and about dawn you 'd hear the shots as they knocked off that day 's quota of Frenchmen out in the yard . ’
8 And they 're tips to put on the canes so you do n't poke your eyes out in the garden .
9 The CBI rejects warnings that companies will hide behind the new anti-hacking laws , rather than make efforts to keep intruders out in the first place .
10 After several more sessions out in the country , Hoomey got the hand of it , and learned that , even if he could n't stop , he could steer , and that sitting on Bones 's enormous flights through the atmosphere was comparatively easy once you got used to it , far easier than poor Jazz 's problem of trying to stay aboard when Spot , cantering quite easily towards the jump , put his anchors out at the last minute and stopped dead .
11 She set all the animals out in a long line , headed by the lions ; a circus parade carved from wood and delicately coloured .
12 So she kept her eyes closed , humming a little tune to try and make Florence let her milk down faster and barely listening to the sound of voices out in the yard .
13 tore , destroyed , dumped books out in the rain
14 The beds were damp and the floor cold when you put your bare feet out in the morning .
15 There were sharks out in the bay , and they did n't get fed often enough .
16 I suppose about one and a half yards , perhaps not that , square and in the corner there was what they called , what we had the copper for boiling the clothes , make it with small coal and , and coal and wood and paper and boil the water and , and my mother used to do the washing there and we had a big old mangle with wooden rollers out in the back yard , that was always out in the back yard .
17 We have er patrols , patrols out in the erm out in the area as part of our normal job , if they see anybody infringing the order , they 'll have a word with them and er make sure they know about it , and apart from that , as I say , we 're appealing to the good sense of our customers , we are in a very serious situation .
18 Thirteen sales , technical and administrative staff are supported by another nine salesmen out in the field .
19 Finally he took a whole lot of bottles out in the hope that in the ensuing muddle they would all finally be fitted in .
20 He was milking the audience for all he could get : throwing the balls out in every direction and catching them in a windmill of arms .
21 Microsoft Corp is now saying openly that Windows NT will support only ‘ the major ’ Windows 3.1 applications , apparently leaving thousands of other Windows applications out in the cold , is seen as a crucial boost for IBM 's OS/2 .
22 After two weeks out in the desert it was time to take stock .
23 After three weeks out in the field Skipper looked like an overgrown teddy bear .
24 Whether a field officer works from his area office ( in the southern authority ) or from home ( in the northern ) , contact with colleagues will normally be in the office , which he will visit every day , even during those occasional hectic days out in the field when he has to catch up on his sampling schedule .
25 For about £6 each ( off-peak day return ) we have enjoyed days out in the Trossachs , Callender etc .
26 So it 's two days out in the field with one of our trainers or top people and then they come in for the three day course .
27 Training course er involves two days out in the field , told you
28 Whichever depending on which company you go in sometimes there are a couple of days out in the field plus three days in head office .
29 Three day residential and then two days out in the field
30 Two days out in the field .
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