Example sentences of "[noun pl] who [vb -s] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Osnafeld is a British subject , a financier of sorts who has sailed very close to the wind on a number of occasions , but there has never been enough evidence to proceed against him .
2 There is a nice link in this in that this year 's efforts have been started by one of the exam prize winners who has passed his prize back to be donated to Save the Children .
3 Mr Nick Cox , a marina owner and yacht chandler , is one of a number of businessmen who has issued a writ against the authority for damages .
4 Graham , the 31-year-old brother of Arthur , was one of four veterans last night of Scarborough 's rise from the Conference : one of those latent talents who has lain mostly latent .
5 Also attending will be Poland 's President , Wojciech Jaruzelski , considered by East Germany as one of Communism 's sounder sons who has gone lamentably astray in handing power over to non-Communists .
6 That person is frequently the President of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors who has set up an efficient administrative machinery for such appointments .
7 The play takes place in the Sussex home of Mrs St Maugham , an encrusted relic of Edwardian values who has lived her long life ‘ without affection ’ .
8 Waiting list initiatives have had exactly the same effect — because money was diverted to solve a politically sensitive problem , health care rationing priorities have been distorted so that in some cases cash rather than clinical need dictates who gets treated .
9 Though politicians often claim that the authority the law claims for itself is justified , there has hardly been any political theorist in recent times who has shared this view .
10 He is one of those individuals who has put even more back into the sport than he has taken out of it .
11 What happens if we get one of the national agencies who 's located in the opposite part to where the majority of the erm the business from the multi-location commercial account is ?
12 Izvestiya on Nov. 25 called Yakovlev one of the foremost media figures who has proved over many years his devotion to democratic principles .
13 He talked with a leading expert , Dr Joseph D. Rosen , an organic chemist at Rutgers University 's Department of Food Sciences who has analysed samples taken by the US military and intelligence agencies .
14 The number 9 jersey will be contested between Stephen Brown and Stewart Hooks who has returned to Gibson Park after another short spell with North .
15 As such , I must be one of the few hon. Members who has seen the practical effects of the implementation of legislation such as this , and not simply the ideology behind it .
16 I am one of the hon. Members who has started a business from scratch and who has been an employer of quite a lot of people whose jobs were created out of that initiative and enterprise .
17 According to leading dermatologist Professor Malcolm Greaves , one of the many doctors who has tried to treat Graham , there are thousands of conditions which can affect the human skin .
18 Another eminent Conservative Member with industrial connections who has had long-standing reservations about the course of events in Europe , and who was one of the first to make the link between these and Britain 's domestic economic problems , is the Member for the New Forest , Sir Patrick McNair-Wilson .
19 GERALD ANNESLEY , one of Ulster 's most colourful landowners who has died aged 86 , caused a mild sensation in the general election of 1951 when , although a former chairman of the local Unionist party , he stood as a Protestant Irish Nationalist candidate for South Down .
20 Adds Linda : ‘ If you ask the children who 's got the best dad in the world they all jump up , clapping and shouting ‘ we have ’ . ’
21 Adds Linda : ‘ If you ask the children who 's got the best dad in the world they all jump up , clapping and shouting ‘ we have ’ . ’
22 But it is no surprise that one of the men who has done least to promote peace is Mr Hussein .
23 A person with IBS who has ignored the symptoms for years may become acutely aware of them when a close relative succumbs to cancer .
24 But by and large these are only examples of the gesture as an item on its own , MacMillan is one of the rare choreographers who has used occupational gesture as an integral part of the dance .
25 It was the duty of the medicine man of the line of Armijas to tutor the spirit warrior through the Seven Levels , to prepare her for the final battle , in which she would stand with the other spirit warriors — the Holy Woman From Across the Great Water , the Man With Music in His Heart , the Red-Handed One , the Yellowlegs Who Has Lost Much , the Great Father in White , the Man Who Rides Alone — against the army of the manitous and the story would end .
26 He did not talk like this with anyone else , but his father would not laugh at talk of the Holy-Place-From-Over-the-Great-Water or the Yellowlegs Who Has Lost Much .
27 Oh , the ones who 's got is about something like that . .
28 I 've heard myself say it an awful lot of the time , so one of my colleagues who 's done one I 've I 've nicked his er
29 There 's only one other person here in this country , since I 've been doing these interviews who has pointed this out .
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