Example sentences of "[noun pl] can [vb infin] their " in BNC.

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1 Teenagers can embellish their denims with plaited braids and cords from Madeira 's Shoeshines .
2 With FA Cup final vouchers being distributed tonight a big crowd is expected , and Crosby believes the fans can play their part in encouraging a matchwinning performance .
3 Members can buy their tickets from tomorrow … while other fans can get their 's by going to the next home game against Sunderland
4 Schools can organise their budgets in any form to suit this purpose , but it is likely that each LEA has already suggested a format which follows traditional conventions .
5 For the next two weeks 21 vote lines will remain open so that Echo readers can have their say in the celebrities who will receive the prestigious prizes at a star-studded lunch next month .
6 Apparently Rundgren has pieced the music in segments so that those who own CD-I or CD-ROM units can construct their own songs from the assembled musical blocks .
7 Before peasant farmers or small time traders can bring their products to market they usually need to buy an official permit .
8 But unless you collaborate about rules with other parents , the kids can invent their own .
9 Heads can create their own clarity if they organize their time in such a way as to digest and weigh reports , views and experiences from sources either outside the school or inside the staffroom .
10 This is why snakes can shed their skins and pursue a new start in life , while men are condemned to the one covering which must eventually wither and die .
11 Peter Barford , manager of IBM 's usability consultancy , runs a £25 million testing centre at Greenford , Middlesex , where clients can install their systems , complete with furniture , fittings and users , in an observation room .
12 The journalists can ask their questions direct and can also air any grievances or problems in an informal atmosphere .
13 IBM also plans to offer the microkernel as a stand-alone product on the OEM market so that third parties can build their own operating systems on top of it .
14 Alternatively , socialist parties can maintain their ideology intact , keeping the class ready for a revolutionary opportunity but see their support possibly dwindle to restrictive ‘ ghetto ’ status .
15 These expressions do not mean that the parties have the right to be heard at a formal hearing : what they convey is that the parties can state their case in writing .
16 Today economically more powerful contracting parties can impose their wishes on weaker parties by using standard form contracts .
17 Well therefore , no other lads can have their way before me !
18 The pricing policies of our car factories , which show very low profits , mean that foreigners can sell their vehicles in Britain at a higher profit than in their own home markets .
19 Individual manufacturers can monitor their own stock and sales to look for trends .
20 In the last section we saw three ways in which speakers can miss their target of JC .
21 Because all pages are saved in the same file data and formulae can maintain their relationships across multiple pages .
22 For your lips can have their smile , and your flute ,
23 It will also provide a ‘ feedback ’ role , where customers at sports centres and swimming baths can voice their opinion on the standard of services .
24 Although you should make a specific time when candidates can ask their own questions you should also allow time for questions which arise naturally at an earlier stage of the interview .
25 Some of the non-Slav peoples within the present Yugoslav borders can trace their ancestry back to settlers who entered their present homelands in the centuries before the area was divided between the Ottoman and Habsburg empires , but many more owed their settlement to colonisation sponsored or tolerated by the imperial rulers .
26 These animals can change their colour to match the petals of flowers on which they sit , waiting to ambush insects .
27 But there are other ways in which even the most defenceless animals can improve their chances of survival .
28 The evidence shows that animals can vary their size extremely rapidly in a short space of time when they become , for example , geographically isolated from the main herd .
29 The early stages of the tournament may be restrained so that the animals can try their strengths without risking their lives .
30 Elaine explained : ‘ I 've really tried hard not to let Deborah and Jon criticise each other , I think that 's important , some brothers can make their sisters feel awful !
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