Example sentences of "[noun pl] what they [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The nutter is acceptable in that he demonstrates to other fans what they should not do , and provides living proof of their own propriety .
2 It does not aim to tell readers what they can do to help the environmental cause , nor is it written in an alarmist way .
3 He can tell them in training , but they 've got to perform out there on the pitch , and probably this game has come just at the right time , after suffering a defeat like that , this is the time to get out there and show the supporters what they can really do .
4 We used to work there from half past twelve till five o'clock at night , taking the bucket out and put another bucket in because the buckets what they used to call the bushes what were connected to the links they used to wear and we used to have to take them , one of them out and used to have a big chain go right the way round and bring the , bring the buckets backwards and they used to loosen up all the , all the pins what used to go through the buckets in the , in the links , so we took them out and then they used to go up to the dock and br they put new bushes in .
5 Erm the government 's there are telling parents what they ought to do .
6 In his view , Finland is ’ friendly ’ ; Sweden , acceptably socialist East Europeans have more scope than at any time since 1945 to make of their lives what they will .
7 Keen to work proactively , we asked eight local pharmacists what they could provide for our patients .
8 And we went three times and they always planned and planned and planned and had ideas what they could do .
9 But they are bankers , not industrialists ; they are scarcely more qualified than any other director to tell managers what they should or should not be doing .
10 ‘ You can not dictate to families what they can have .
11 The mayor is convinced , and wonders what they should do next .
12 They surely do not need to be told by the chairmen of the respective parliamentary committees what they should and should not do .
13 The FDA can not tell American surgeons what they can and can not do to their customers .
14 No official of the Government or Party can go to an ujamaa village and tell the members what they must grow … for if these things happen — that is , if an outsider gives such instructions and enforces them — then it will no longer be an ujamaa village !
15 Do not hesitate to ask your friends what they would do — they see your home much as the prospective purchaser will see it .
16 Cos their shovel was different to ours , but that were n't any good to us cos that was er , cos what they used to trim grain with , now a grain shovel was made of tin and cos our shovels what they used to feed the boiler with were all steel shovels .
17 Guideline 21 : Tell children what they should do , as well as what they ca n't do .
18 Although at the moment it is up to you to decide what form of updating you would like to undertake , it would be useful to look at any developments in your area aimed at your special interest , and to find out from employers what they might expect from you in advance of offering you a job .
19 A minimum wage involves the Government dictating to private employers what they should pay their workers .
20 The new clause provides him with an opportunity to ensure that Scottish people are provided with a consultative committee of men and women who will look after the public 's interests and recommend to bus operators what they ought to do to improve services .
21 For them , Japan was a magnet , promising them wages many times what they could earn at home , but according to one Pakistani worker who yesterday decided to speak out publicly , the reality was very different .
22 When I asked a class of five-year-olds what they would like to ‘ turn me into ’ for a story , they said a witch , and added , a very wicked witch .
23 Many feminist linguists have unearthed for our edification great piles of conduct and etiquette books telling women what they should talk about , when , how and to whom .
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