Example sentences of "[noun pl] there be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We 've got their Mum gave us a French dictionary , but my is the in French now they ca n't get The number of English words there are in there it 's
2 Soon as they did their words there 's like a another fag !
3 Explicit in the design of the projects was the attempt to achieve these aims without diverting traffic to other areas — in other words there was to be a genuine experiment in calming existing traffic in situ , not simply exporting the problems to other districts .
4 People try to classify what sorts of group or characteristics there are of groups and you find that people look at group size , let's go through the list , group size , communication networks , roles and expectations , norms and rules , okay well roles and expectations , norms and rules slightly different .
5 As a matter of fact , the hunt is a very ineffectual way of controlling foxes , er they record the number they kill and it 's very , very few , a tiny percentage of the number of foxes there are in the countryside clever foxes er , as indeed I think Mrs mentioned , live in towns nowadays er , but there are still quite a lot in the countryside fortunately and they will survive er , though zoologists tell us er that er by instinct er they see that their numbers are controlled .
6 Some doubt is in fact raised about interpreting Hezarfen 's statement as meaning that these three kadis were still , toward the end of the seventeenth century , receiving only 300 akce a day both by Ali 's statement that they were receiving " approximately " 500 akce ( see Appendix I , A ) and by the attributed to Kocu Bey which was presented to Sultan Ibrahim ( 1640–8 ) in 1049–50/1640 in which the author , discussing aspects of the learned hierarchy , says : " Whatever great provinces there are in the divinely-protected [ i.e. Ottoman ] dominions , such as Egypt , Aleppo , Diyarbakir , Damascus , Erzurum , Selanik ( Salonica ) , Budin ( Buda ) , Sofya ( Sofiya ) , Bursa , Edirne , Istanbul [ the kadis of ] all such as these are 500-akce Mollas ' .
7 ‘ Yes , I want to know how many steps there are to the top . ’
8 Do you have any idea of the number of Jewish organizations there are in my neck of the woods and how many of their organizers have my phone number on the kitchen wall ?
9 Do you know how many control parameters there are for instance ?
10 For each of the foundation subjects there are to be ‘ attainment targets ’ , ‘ programmes of study ’ and ‘ assessment arrangements ’ .
11 It would be niggling to say that where a writer has used assistants his data cease to be primary , but it would also be foolish to ignore the fact that the more people there are involved in a project , the more opportunities there are for errors to creep in .
12 ‘ Quite a few friends were starting families at that time and they were having real problems sorting out childcare , and I decided I 'd like to look at what opportunities there were for setting up in that field . ’
13 ( One story , which entered his official state Department biography , has it that he told several students that his own rise to the position of ambassador showed what great opportunities there were for the young in Iran .
14 Leith mentally shook herself to join in the conversation , realising that her mother had been speaking of the wonderful opportunities there were for world-wide travelling these days .
15 With the United Nations there is at least the opportunity to start , to work together in new ways on issues that really matter .
16 No one can say just how many species of animals there are in these greenhouse-humid dimly lit jungles .
17 Clearly , the more successful and popular the artist , the greater demands there are from TV radio and the press while the promotional video will also be sought after by the media .
18 Somebody did n't even know how many months there were in the year !
19 More significantly , in many districts there were in most villages several households which depended on cattle stealing for their livelihood .
20 In both periods there was to be a 5 per cent increase in the Christmas bonus ; the working week would be reduced from 37 to 36 hours .
21 ‘ I wanted to find out how many of these damned Twenty-fourthers there are about the place . ’
22 Camp sites there are in plenty , but they are discreetly sited .
23 The existing two-tier system , it recommended , should be replaced by fifty-eight unitary authorities which would cover most of the country , but in three metropolitan areas there was to be a two-tier arrangement with responsibilities divided between a metropolitan county council and large district authorities ( along lines similar to those then operating in Greater London ) .
24 I knew that just beyond the narrow sea separating the two countries there were at least fifty warships ready to attack us , with many other smaller ships .
25 One of the marks of a competent lawyer is his ability to know what gaps there are in the facts of his case .
26 Goram , exceptional throughout his reintroduction to the side , was forced to muddy his tracksuit bottoms in response to the first of Amokachi 's many attacks on the break and the more Rangers pressed forward , the more gaps there were for the Belgian side to exploit from a midfield they dominated .
27 So , in September 1989 , Helen found herself working part time and researching what gaps there were in the childcare market .
28 ‘ The trouble is , the more ingredients there are in a product , the more chance there is of becoming allergic to them , ’ says dermatologist , Steven Wright .
29 Do you know how many role models there are for a young mouse ?
30 When Henry and Eleanor held their Christmas court at Chinon in 1172 whatever tensions there were between them remained hidden from public view .
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