Example sentences of "[noun pl] were for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The lifts were for transporting patients too sick to protest to departments on higher floors .
2 The celebrations were for having pulled it off , but it was also time for many people who had been involved in the project to leave .
3 In his book , Saturdays were for racing , betting and boozing — nothing else and he rarely strayed beyond the local corner pub .
4 The higher success rates were for providing column headings in a table , around 85 per cent for supplying " thousands ' and " hundreds " given " tens " and " units " .
5 Other suggestions were for campaigning and .
6 Could you explain for the record what your reasons were for arriving at that conclusion ?
7 Sundays were for sitting silently with a bible in front of you .
8 Friday afternoons were for easing up and winding down .
9 ‘ I 've never been one for doctors , and hospitals were for visiting other people , ’ he said .
10 I WAS surprised to read in the article by Harry Mead ( Echo January 17 ) and your editorial ( January 20 ) where , after a careful scrutiny of the present troubles in Northern Ireland , both of your suggested conclusions were for accepting the defeatist attitude of the greater good subordinating itself to the prevalent evil .
11 The enemy prisoners and hurt could be left to find their way back to Roxburgh as best they could , stripped of their arms , armour and anything else worth having — although some of the mosstroopers were for slaying them out of hand .
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