Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The unique qualities of strength , high moisture absorption , excellent washing and colour retention characteristics have led to Irish Linen 's renowned reputation throughout the world as the best fabric for Household Textiles .
2 These characteristics have applied to much of the RB liberal provision for the unemployed .
3 More habitual bankrupts have to apply to the court after five years and argue their case .
4 There will be ample evidence in the form of rabbit skins and wings of all description from the food the foxes have taken to their young .
5 The Krays were jailed for life in ( 1969 ) nineteen sixty nine , but their young fans have written to them , and one has even met Reggie in prison .
6 Commentators on Spanish culture through the centuries have pointed to its emphasis on dignity and the corresponding fear of shame which leads to behaviour that is continually concerned to respect others and , above all , their individuality ( Pitt-Rivers 1977 ) .
7 My legs have turned to water .
8 Other considerations have led to the suggestion that introns could have been transferred horizontally between different species ( 13 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ) .
9 This is particularly likely to occur for larger cities with very limited amounts of vacant land and in rural areas where environmental and other considerations have led to the imposition of strict controls on new building .
10 Hospital waiting lists have grown to almost one million people awaiting treatment .
11 Perhaps the greatest contribution which our primary schools have made to education since the war has been to focus attention upon the child as a whole , unique human being .
12 The evolution of the role of teachers and the view of the social purpose of schools have led to a multiplicity of demands on teachers which are not necessarily compatible and may be contradictory , if not actually mutually exclusive .
13 Attempts to highlight and remove differing forms of sexism , sexual inequalities and discrimination in schools have led to a range of policy statements and strategies from local education authorities and individual schools .
14 Market-driven as ever , business schools have risen to the challenge .
15 I think that that trend is , on the whole , a fairly healthy one , and it 's meant the schools have begun to be far more conscious about their responsibilities , not just in general , but , but about particular responsibilities , erm responsibilities such as erm dealing more effectively with handicapped pupils , dealing with ethnic minorities and so on , again erm issues which other people in the series will be talking about .
16 In addition it must be acknowledged that the public schools have adapted to the demand for scientific and managerial graduates by modernising their range of subjects and strengthening their science teaching .
17 In a few instances the height difference between the route and the surrounding ground has meant that steps have had to be installed .
18 In a few instances the height difference between the route and the surrounding ground has meant that steps have had to be installed .
19 Much less satisfactory , however , is the harsh rule that holds a writer responsible for unintentional defamation , where readers have jumped to a conclusion which was never intended .
20 SEVERAL readers have written to Assets querying their credit card interest charges , yet these are mostly correct .
21 They may , therefore , form in valleys and basins , especially in areas of calcareous rocks , and theoretically should be nearer the margins of the basins as they crystallise earlier than gypsum before the lakes have shrunk to the same degree .
22 Therefore monetarists have resorted to the claim that governments can exert control over the money stock if they are determined enough , and in so doing will bring about the desired effect on money incomes and prices .
23 Empires have been built and fortunes acquired during the Eighties , and most ‘ lazy ’ journalists have looked to the States to explain the phenomenon .
24 It is surprising how few units have changed to a cheaper implant in the face of a limiting budget for prostheses .
25 TRADERS have protested to the BBC and ITV that television and radio weather forecasts are giving a false picture of the Yorkshire Coast .
26 However , financial uncertainty , a low priority attached until recently to rural schemes by the Housing Corporation and problems associated with its national-scale administration , coupled with some rural planning restrictions , have meant that only a very small number of the schemes of this and other organizations have come to fruition .
27 Although this was some time ago , similar dismissals have continued to surface in the work of those who adopt Chomsky 's theoretical position .
28 Whereas Marxism-Leninism does not always take a wholly positive attitude towards the peasantry , identifying petit bourgeois tendencies — particularly amongst the less impoverished — which can make them a sometimes unreliable ally , Mariátegui and subsequent Latin American Marxists have pointed to a dual oppression — both economic and racial .
29 In some countries Marxists have come to power either constitutionally or through nationalist liberation movements as opposed to revolution .
30 The rug has been pulled from under the feet of Inspiral Carpets as the kids have turned to Techno but they will always find a market for the sprightly pop fun delivered tonight , even if there was 20 minutes too much .
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