Example sentences of "[noun pl] which she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 But Marian continued to feel for some time that uneasiness in the legs which she knew meant that she wanted to run , to get away fast .
2 She began working with ‘ handicapped ’ children and concluded that the methods which she had found most successful in dealing with feeble-minded children would be quite applicable to those who were normal and that ordinary schools needed the sort of transforma-tion she had accomplished at her own ‘ special ’ school .
3 She had many upper garments of different materials and styles which she changed according not to the weather but to her mood : she had large woollen jumpers and little skimpy vests , lacy or patterned blouses and voluminous T-shirts ; shirts of chiffon and shirts of linen .
4 He flipped open the book whose pages were filled with her beautiful , careful script , which he had seen many times on the shopping lists which she had made up under Matey 's instructions .
5 It drowned the roar of the waves which she knew would be crashing on to the beach in impotent and seemingly endless fury .
6 She had a round face , round eyes which she rolled and raised to the ceiling while she spake ( spoke was too mundane a term for her pronouncements ) and she invariably began these pronouncements with ‘ Whooo — ’ to which Jane mentally added ‘ To-whit-too-whoo ’ , and concluded that there must be an owl species called Shurll .
7 He stopped and looked into her face with those dark penetrating eyes which she had noticed so vividly on the night of the fire .
8 On his left was a small , plump girl with round brown eyes which she blinked rapidly , as if smoke from the fire made them smart .
9 At the back of the folder was a neatly typed list of names and addresses which she photocopied before going downstairs to Rodney Shergold 's office .
10 One of those dinner parties which she loved and mocked almost equally , where people envy each other their success while feeling faintly guilty about their own .
11 Jazz was limping and making pained , mutterings and cursings which she thought it tactful to ignore .
12 The sales office where Riba worked was full of her colleagues and friends at her farewell presentation , with a table set aside to hold the many cards and presents which she received .
13 It was n't just the smells of dug earth and the friendly shapes of garden implements which she associated with him ; it was the sense of escape the place gave her .
14 Clara was astonished ; she could compare the room to nothing in her experience , nothing at all , unless it were perhaps to those studiously , tediously visited ancient homes which she had been round on various bank holidays during her childhood .
15 Her legs were long and elongated further by the very high heels which she wore .
16 Beatrice Webb believed that the retention of a voluntary element in the social services would render them inefficient at exercising the ‘ element of compulsion and disciplinary supervision ’ over the clients which she thought essential for their improvement .
17 She led the way into the communal hall which she personally had taken upon herself to brighten up with a vase of dried flowers and a couple of good , but ancient , rugs which she had picked up for a song at an auction sale .
18 It was as though she had spent the past twenty-two years imprisoned in a shell , and had now broken free of it , and was tasting sensations which she had never dreamed possible .
19 Britain has been particularly fortunate in acquiring the sorts of institutions which she did acquire .
20 The intensity of Käthè Kollwitz ‘ representations of the poor , the grieving , and the anger has rendered problematic the interpretation of the objects which she produced and of the subjects under her scrutiny .
21 She went to lessons in drawing , ice-skating , junior aerobics and many other skills which she had absolutely no hope of acquiring .
22 Hi Jinks had an awesome range of martial skills which she practiced on small children .
23 As a result , she had been able to put away a few shillings every week , and over these past three years the shillings had mounted until now the bag of coins which she kept hidden under the bedroom floorboards had swollen to a tidy sum .
24 Add rush matting , yellow and white gingham curtains , and watercolours of fruit and vegetables which she had done herself , and the kitchen was rustically cosy .
25 This partly explains her choice of the middle-aged widower as a husband , since he was the recipient of political secrets which she shared .
26 As we passed Number 110 , I spotted Mrs Shorrocks staring at me out of the window , sporting her usual black eye and a mass of different coloured bruises which she collected from Bert most Saturday nights .
27 Jane saw her degree as a process of narrowing down , rather than a broadening out ; it shut out the creative , ‘ qualitative ’ aspect of her nature , and presented her with a set of rules and definitions which she had to conform to , or reject , but which she could not challenge .
28 ‘ No , ’ she had said , with her usual fiery spirit still dominant , even after the long and tiring hours which she had worked with him .
29 She took out her wallet and found that she had six pounds and ten shillings which she placed on the chair by his bed ; ‘ Will that be enough to be going on with ? ’ she asked .
30 She wanted to see the palm houses which she had heard the Sheikh had built .
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