Example sentences of "[noun pl] she have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When he had left , she was still prevented from giving way to rage as Penny put through one of the DJs she had already been out with once , ringing to ask if she would like to go to a Mongolian barbecue with him that evening .
2 But she was amazed when told how many calories she had just consumed .
3 He 'd had the most compelling eyes she 'd ever encountered .
4 Even if he did have the most compelling eyes she 'd ever seen — and a body to make the gods jealous .
5 The baby was now cleaned up and Sarah looked down into the bluest eyes she had ever seen .
6 She had tried all the sane home remedies she had ever heard of to dislodge it .
7 Pushing aside the imposed conventions , the restraints and inhibitions she 'd always accepted as right and proper , necessary even , she pressed herself against him .
8 Liz , like a pale convent girl too long mewed up , went wild in her first year , as she discovered the world of parties she had hitherto known only by reading and by hearsay : in those days , such was the imbalance between the sexes , women were much in demand as status symbols , as sleeping partners , as lovers , as party ballast , and Liz went out a great deal , her appearance improving dramatically as she did so .
9 And after raising the board and finding six washleather bags of sovereigns she had really believed him , and for only the second time she could remember in her life , she had cried .
10 After five years as the wife of a country rector with no financial worries she had suddenly become a homeless , penniless widow .
11 It was n't only the words she had just used to Marguerite .
12 In fact she 'd had a brief nap on the flight over and the adrenalin was racing round her body , making the possibility of sleep unlikely , but anything was better than sitting like a frightened child beside him , hoping against hope that he would finally melt and utter the sort of words she had once yearned to hear .
13 In the cruel treachery of his words she had only one thought — that she must not seem surprised .
14 Ecstasy increased as Robyn looked deep into his eyes and heard the words she had hardly dared hoped for .
15 When he did not speak , but just jerked his head as if a fly had buzzed near his ear and irritated him , when he did not greet her , not even by name , let alone with the caressing words she had so often uttered in her games of make-believe , Rosa began , murmuringly , ‘ I did n't know when to come down , I wanted to be sure no one was awake … . ’
16 ‘ I came … ’ and suddenly she found herself speaking words she had never thought , ‘ …
17 She wanted to tell him that she loved him , but they were words she had never spoken to anyone .
18 Those were words she 'd so desperately wanted to hear .
19 She remembered her father 's words after he 'd blamed Ace for his son 's death ; words she 'd never repeated to anybody .
20 They were the hardest words she 'd ever had to say .
21 She planted the fruit trees and bushes she had always wanted , made her own bread , and experimented with such things as parsley jelly and mint tea , all to her heart 's content .
22 His body was tense , as was hers , yet they did n't move , only their mouths touched and they exchanged soft , drugging kisses that to Hilary generated the most exciting sensations she had ever experienced .
23 ‘ I rather think , ’ said the Archdeacon detachedly , ‘ that for the last couple of months she had merely visited . ’
24 Unlocking the door , she put her meal on the bench and donned the old smock she wore for working , then settled to sanding and smoothing the shapes she had already carved .
25 Vainly some remaining logical part of her mind sought excuses but was drowned by the sheer surge of basic responses she 'd never known she possessed .
26 She wondered how many other such eagles she had blindly passed .
27 Civil rights activist , feminist , pacifist , since the mid-1960s she has steadily produced novels of anger and integrity that deal with contemporary issues .
28 And there , over the tops of the trees that grew on falling ground to their north , there on the other side of the valley was one of the liveliest country houses she had ever seen .
29 Her mother had her full permission to tell him so , for reasons she had bitterly and eloquently specified .
30 The bath and basin were pink and there were bottles and jars of bath salts and essences she 'd never even heard of .
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