Example sentences of "[noun pl] or [art] new " in BNC.

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1 Wherever CT scans or the new MRI scans or even ultrasound scans are involved in the management of patients , the images can be transferred down an image link .
2 Where new road patterns or a new shopping centre affect trade , appeal .
3 Reciprocally , such families may receive financial remittances from their migrating members once they have established themselves , and those left behind may derive prestige in their local community from the successes of their sons in the cities or the new countries .
4 A social group may be deprived by missionaries or a new education system or access to their own historically inherited forms , and a mere glimpse of the possibilities of industrial culture , without the means for appropriating that culture , is hardly an adequate substitute for such a loss .
5 Each lesson in Start with English presents only either four or five new words or a new structure .
6 Children cared for by grandmothers or foster mothers during their first three or four years often have great difficulty when they return to live with their natural parents or a new step-parent .
7 Owen wondered whether the contras should change their name to the Revolutionary Contras or the New Revolutionaries ; perhaps they could change the name of the cause , too , to ‘ Revolutionary Counter-Communism ’ , and the leaders of it ( same old leaders ) could give a press conference in Philadelphia , in front of the Liberty Bell .
8 This would make it between 4 and 15 times as expensive as power from either coal-fired power stations or the new breed of combined-cycle gas turbine plants .
9 IBM Corp was scheduled to make an ‘ operational announcement ’ on its Adstar storage business in San Jose just after we closed on Friday , but we have to assume that it was not anything sufficiently dramatic that it would move the share price , otherwise the company would have had to announce it on the New York Stock Exchange before the market opened to prevent a false market operating in the shares ; the announcement was to be made by vice-chairman Jack Kuehler , and was also to include some personnel news ; IBM has been studying ways to separate Adstar from the rest of the company , Dow Jones & Co notes , and earlier this year , it hired Morgan Stanley & Co and the Boston Consulting Group to recommend ways to speed up the process , which could involve outside investors or a new class of IBM share — and those advisors were scheduled to be done with the preliminary work by now ; a first step would likely be the creation of Adstar as a wholly-owned subsidiary — it has kept separate books since last year ; but the IBM spokesman said some observers might be surprised by the announcement , which was to be concerned with Adstar 's ‘ operations as an IBM business unit and its future direction . ’
10 The NRA have admitted to building over 60 fish passes and other structures for getting fishes to places they could not reach before , at the same time doing nothing to resolve existing access problems or the new problems thus created ( The West Bank settlements attitude all over again ? )
11 The problem is that despite all the well-intentioned efforts of those who have devised the various syllabuses , whether for the old CSE/ ‘ O ’ levels or the new GCSE , what can be accurately assessed may only represent a small part of what arts education is all about .
12 One had a new porch , another double-glazing , ‘ Georgian ’ windows or a new door with brass fittings .
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