Example sentences of "[noun pl] but [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The feel of a book in her hands was an ancient solace — not , originally , because of what lay between the covers but as a screen , a defence , a shield .
2 One of the more important of these was the quota sample , an attempt to approximate to random sampling methods but in a way that minimised the practical difficulties often involved in selecting and contacting respondents , so offering considerable advantages in cost and convenience .
3 People buy computers or computer-controlled products not just for offices but for a host of other places such as factories and homes .
4 The room was twice the size of their back-street Holland Park offices but for a couple of hours all comers were invited to believe that Women 's Word was on the same financial footing as its big competitors .
5 Ultrasonic waves are sound waves but of a higher frequency ( pitch ) than the human ear can hear .
6 He saw human beings not as a mass of contradictions but as a particular sort of person — a great nobleman or a poor scholar or a spotty-faced announcer from the BBC .
7 These lovely plants may take time to form large flowering clumps but after a few years are a sight to behold and are worth every bit of effort you expend .
8 Some magnetic mounts could be done in order to fully utilise all available units but with a larger proportion of the work going to the faster unit .
9 They did work in er two worked in two different quarries but within a week or a fortnight that young lad approached one of our members and said he 's sorry that he 'd ever gone back and I said to him well come back and join us and forget it all .
10 I carried on with the Debenham players getting small parts almost every year in the pantomimes , they were n't major acting roles but for a nine , ten , eleven year old child they sufficed .
11 The Japanese will be offered greater access to Europe , on condition that they open their domestic markets — not only for cars but for a whole range of industrial and service sectors — to European businessmen .
12 Although a lack of continuity of part-time workers and the difficulty of accruing experience may partially justify higher demands on volunteers , nevertheless the outer London suburbs suspect that the heavy demand of a 2-day-a-week commitment now placed on all new London volunteers stems not from these practical considerations but from a poor stereotypical image of the volunteer and from a negative attitude towards volunteering in general .
13 A major merit of network planning systems such as PERT is that the structure ensures that the work content and logical sequence of jobs is not stated in potentially ambiguous groups of words but by a combination of the layout of the network and the defined symbols forming it .
14 A child rated as ‘ attached ’ to its mother at nine months ( crying when she leaves the room , for example ) may express its attachment to her again at 18 months but through a quite different behavioural repertoire ( leaving mother but repeatedly checking back ) .
15 Unbelievably , our boats were still being laid up during the winter months but with a more professional approach being adopted from topside , this policy was soon to be abandoned .
16 One organisation quoted in the survey did provide disturbance payments for recruits but at a reduced level to that given under its relocation policy .
17 In our panel of voters the Conservative lead over Labour increased by 34 per cent amongst Sun/Star readers but by a mere 2 per cent amongst Mirror readers , which suggests the tabloids were able to influence their readers .
18 By contrast , general purposive browsing describes the academic researcher who indulges in a similar activity of looking over books but with a serious purpose in mind , such as keeping up to date in his field or looking for new ideas .
19 He attended a primary school some miles away and tried secondary schools but without a great deal of success .
20 Also included in the IFM recommendations are a national angling centre with teaching facilities and offices and continuing the use of Anglers Consultative Associations but with a wider range of representaion of angling interests .
21 Final-year units also treat general theoretical and practical concerns but at a more advanced level , and in a more concentrated manner .
22 Within this , the Soviet of the Union ( elected by the whole population from constituencies of equal population size ) would be subordinate to the Soviet of the Republics : the latter would be elected from the republican parliaments retaining the same number of seats as in the current Soviet of Nationalities but with a single block vote for each republic .
23 This is possible using RR or Rover SD1 solenoids but as a kit is not available a great deal of experimentation is required to get the system to work and it is virtually impossible to fit to rear door .
24 Normally to raise funds the houses could think of selling off bills but with a general shortage of liquidity the only possible buyer is the Bank of England .
25 Therefore , the unwillingness of policemen to define their role in these terms does not show itself in a failure to perform these duties but as a judgement that it is ‘ really ’ the work of others .
26 Problems in pronouncing the sounds of a new language generally fall into the following categories : a. unfamiliar sounds b. familiar sounds in unfamiliar positions c. familiar sounds in unfamiliar combinations d. sounds which are similar to your own but not identical e. pairs of familiar sounds which contrast in the new language but not in your own f. familiar phonemes but with a different set of variants , or familiar variants in unfamiliar environments g. different transition and juncture features between sounds h. different morphophonemic changes when two sounds come together at morpheme or word boundaries .
27 Even so , the grip of liberal ideas upon the law of contract is weakening , because , as I have tried to show , the legal doctrine is ultimately shaped not by fidelity to liberal precepts but by a particular scheme of distributive justice and a vision of the legitimate market order .
28 They will still meet their contractual obligations but at a time more beneficial to the patients and thus be more cost effective .
29 Poor rates mounted , and many magistrates and overseers continued their moral obligations but in a spirit of growing hopelessness .
30 His quiet , unassuming exterior hid great determination and considerable inventive ability , which he applied not only to bridges but to a wide range of other technical equipment .
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