Example sentences of "[noun pl] from [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the late 1950s and early 1960s a survey of sources of radio waves from outer space was carried out at Cambridge by a group of astronomers led by Martin Ryle ( who had also worked with Bondi , Gold , and Hoyle on radar during the war ) .
2 As we show next , the gravitational waves from likely sources are only detectable if the bar is cooled to liquid helium temperatures .
3 On the matter of health risks from electro-magnetic fields , Mr Bartlett repeated the NGC 's longstanding argument that there was no proven link .
4 Included in this table are the ‘ fractional weighting factors ’ which quantify the fractional risk that each tissue contributes to the overall risk and allows one to make an estimate of the risks from partial body radiation .
5 More than 1,600 names — the people whose personal wealth is pledged to meeting insurance claims — lost money when they found themselves having to meet huge bills for asbestosis and pollution claims after Mr Outhwaite agreed to take on the risks from other Lloyd 's syndicates in 1982 .
6 But the risks from new competitors and from changing technology or market demand will also be greater .
7 The numerous wells at the port of Hamwic , Saxon Southampton , may have been encouraged by the high density of population , but the wells on farms like Odell , Bedfordshire , may imply an awareness of the risks from polluted water brought about by a growing population , or even the need to extend settlement onto good soils which were not close to water .
8 Risk attributable to drugs is poorly estimated because much data was collected in an ad hoc fashion from highly selected subgroups of patient populations that differ greatly in demographic and other characteristics from patient populations today .
9 The concept of a health-promoting school is being increasingly encouraged in guidelines from local authorities and the health board .
10 Already a number of clients from Arab countries have had transplants arranged in Indian hospitals and Indian newspapers have reported cases of Indian donors being flown to Frankfurt and Los Angeles for the benefit of patients there .
11 A new and very exciting service now being offered to clients from leading stylists around the country is Tec Ni Pli by L'Oréal Technique Professionnelle .
12 Fear of costs is one of the major inhibitions which prevents clients from consulting lawyers .
13 Full of Hawksian romance ( Angie Dickinson ) and comedy ( Walter Brennan ) , plus songs from fresh-faced Ricky Nelson and dried-out drunk Dean Martin , this is a rare , convincing celebration of the positive values of the Western .
14 TRADITIONAL MUSIC , perhaps more than any other , is a music of intimacy , its strength lies in its informality — that marvellous drop-of-a-hat feeling where a session can occur as if by spontaneous combustion — whereupon stylistic and generational gaps are forgotten , consigned to the four winds , as tunes and songs from other times draw both practitioner and casual listener alike into their seductive glow .
15 Shedlock simply supplied both songs from other sources , explaining in his preface that he had inserted them ‘ in their proper places ’ .
16 This is the theme of one of the most beautiful modern songs from Central Africa , whose composer and singer , Alick Nkhata , is probably the most popular commercial recording artist Northern Rhodesia or Zambia has yet produced .
17 There are different styles of singing in different regions , and we balance the programme to include different songs from different regions .
18 A programme of songs from well-known shows performed cabaret style .
19 Two new trainees joined the programme and were instructed in the preparation of base-maps from aerial photographs and photogeological interpretation .
20 But exotoxins from different organisms produce really very different biological effects .
21 These tribes , along with the Yenisei peoples whose last surviving linguistic descendants are the Kets , were profoundly affected by the northward expansion of Turkic peoples from Inner Asia and of the Tungus from the east .
22 The sixth Inuit Circumpolar Conference , grouping Arctic peoples from Siberian Russia , Greenland , Alaska and Canada , met in the Canadian town of Inuvik , under the slogan " A common future for the Arctic " .
23 Indigenous peoples from northern Russia are demanding a halt to work on exploiting the Udokan copper deposit until the Russian parliament has passed legislation on the economic status of the region and the rights of indigenous people .
24 Just as rival groups from different parts of a town or different estates will defend their areas , so they will join together to defend their ‘ end ’ of the football ground from fans from other towns .
25 At international level , such local support is subordinated to the national reputation and hooligan fans from different clubs will join forces .
26 The compensation issue was important because 80 years of phosphate mining had left 80 per cent of Nauru uninhabitable , and the phosphate deposits ( formed over many centuries from accumulated bird droppings ) were almost exhausted .
27 Since so many of their coastal farms have now disappeared beneath a raft of asphalt and concrete , we have tended to forget the minor variations in the landscape which so influenced the earlier farmers ; even in the ‘ rural ’ Weald modern urban man finds it hard to distinguish the overlay of later centuries from Saxon patterns .
28 The result is screams from grapple-crazy girls in the stadium … and very suggestive letters in the post .
29 In canteens and place settings from leading stores .
30 He argues convincingly that loan-words from Old Norse which had final inflectional syllables ( vowels ) retain such syllables as -e into ME ; similarly , Old French loans which had a final vowel in the accusative singular retain final -e into ME verse ; and native OE words that ended in a vowel in the nominative singular retain final -e in non-genitive singular usage ( see the summary on p. 78ff . ) .
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