Example sentences of "[noun pl] this [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In post-war democratic states this is particularly associated with a high degree of equality of distribution in comparison with earlier periods , and in this way lends plausibility to the assumption that greater equality means greater welfare .
2 He was himself a member of the prince 's council , and although he is unlikely to have played much part in its activities this is only to be expected from a nobleman of his rank and does not mean that he remained aloof from the king 's plans for the region .
3 He was himself a member of the prince 's council , and although he is unlikely to have played much part in its activities this is only to be expected from a nobleman of his rank and does not mean that he remained aloof from the king 's plans for the region .
4 In other cases this is not so .
5 Now it is clear that we do sometimes have alternative ways of determining guilt and innocence to our own satisfaction and it therefore makes sense to think of a fair trial as a trial designed to produce the correct verdict where correctness is assessable by some other objective standards , but in many cases this is not so and in practice the correct verdict is simply the one which is reached after a fair trial .
6 In some cases the management services are provided by a recognised housing association ; in other cases this is not so and the purchaser may be misled by the amount of help that could be expected in an emergency .
7 In most cases this is n't a problem .
8 In some cases this is simply because they are not quite good enough .
9 In some cases this is probably because the cause of acute renal failure itself was associated with a degree of permanent damage , and elderly people ( who formed the bulk of our patients ) may have less renal reserve and be less able to make a full recovery after an acute insult .
10 In some cases this is apparently not as arduous a task as it may seem , simply because dischargers find it extremely difficult to portray themselves as ‘ similar ’ to their rivals on more than a very few criteria .
11 In many cases this is quite unlike the vernacular of the parents ' country or countries .
12 Whereas in many cases this is only one dimension , albeit an important one , in the case of what we might call theoretical ideology it constitutes the main organizing principle .
13 While not doubting the pharmacological dimension to drug-addiction , it is nevertheless true to say that in many cases this is only an external consequence of an existing internal dependency which is just as addictive , even though repressed .
14 In some cases this is certainly possible .
15 And in some cases this is undoubtedly so : if he had wished , Winder could have challenged the resolution raising council house rents by way of an AJR .
16 However , for operators this is not usually the case .
17 In the case of solicitors this is clearly shown in Rakusen v Ellis , Munday & Clarke [ 1912 ] 1 Ch 831 where it was said " A solicitor can be restrained as a matter of absolute obligation and as a matter of general principle from disclosing any secrets which are confidentially reposed in him " .
18 We believe this is may be the reason it has failed , so far , to construct a politically credible strategy for environmental education , though there are signs this is now beginning to come together .
19 At times this is undoubtedly true .
20 ‘ Any port in a storm ’ is an often-quoted truism , and for migrant birds this is certainly the case .
21 Looking back over this period most farm workers view the introduction of the tractor and the combine harvester as representing a decisive break in the hitherto orderly pace of agricultural change — and in many respects this is undoubtedly what has occurred .
22 Somebody 's slipped over and they 've got all the grit in their knuckles in the part of their knuckles and you want to bandage the hand or there 's a cut on the hand , even on the palm , we can do that one later when it 's really , when it 's really a gash , gushing blood we can do this afternoon , I repeat again none of these which you 've done this morning will control severe bleeding , get it into your heads this is just to cover to keep infection out , alright , these are not to control severe bleeding just covering a minor wound or a graze , right ?
23 Because of a steep flight of steps this is not easily negotiated by bicycle .
24 In the majority of schools this is mostly devoid of any reference to religion ; it is carved up either into subject areas which by definition rule out any necessary reference to religion , or into topics or integrated approaches which normally have little specifically religious content .
25 Obviously many of the major objections raised here could be alleviated by simply bolting on a full QWERTY keyboard using full-travel keys this is surely not the ideal answer .
26 Some idea of relative size and hierarchical organisation is important , although without earthworks or clearly defined areas of finds this is often difficult to assess .
27 For Conservatives this is normally a once-and-for-all choice as it is unusual for a sitting MP to be denied renomination : Labour MPs are now subject to re-selection .
28 By selling Treasury bills the government is borrowing money from the original purchaser of the bill and the government repays the loan on an agreed day ; in the case of Treasury bills this is usually 91 days after issue .
29 Under normal circumstances this is as fair a valuation method to both parties as can be achieved .
30 Although it is possible to administer a sedative under these circumstances this is obviously not desirable for routine visits when the dog is not experiencing any pain .
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