Example sentences of "[noun pl] are hold to " in BNC.

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1 It is the difference between a necessary empirical shift , when reasoning is taken across to one of its presumed objects and must take the full strain of the encounter , and a deceptive ( because falsely generalized ) empiricism , in which certain kinds of attention to certain presumptively autonomous objects are held to be justified and protected by the terms of an unargued immediacy .
2 The source of the higher hazards at the youngest and oldest maternal ages are held to be , in the case of infants born to teenagers , the physiological immaturity that often characterizes very young women at the birth of their first child ; the mother 's social immaturity and inexperience with child care ; and impoverishment in respect to formal schooling and overall living conditions .
3 Onomatopoeic words are held to ‘ resemble ’ their referents auditorially , but the degree of objective similarity may be very low ( perhaps no lower , however , than the perceived visual resemblance between a cartoonist 's representation of a political figure and its subject ) .
4 Subscriptions are held to over four hundred journals .
5 Subscriptions are held to over 400 journals and there are special collections of Country Information , Newspaper Cuttings , Market Research Reports and Theses .
6 Motor vehicles and coal-fired power stations are held to be the main offenders .
7 Fluctuations about these mean positions are held to be Gaussian and not dependent upon the strain .
8 By an ‘ ethical a priori ’ position I mean to indicate that certain principles are held to be an a priori and not subject to qualification .
9 A substantial but prudent investment of finances is therefore essential to provide a safe service in which the clinical needs of patients are held to be primary .
10 Now how a man who works on can think there 's anything funny about species I just ca n't understand erm but there it is. erm well , suppose , however , that in my view wrongly one did suppose that there was something erm in this sort of idea of the decoupling between the processes which we observed in single populations and erm the sort of mechanisms leading to large scale evolution , what kinds of processes are held to be important when it comes to large scale evolution events ?
11 This occurs where two motorists are held to be equally to blame for a collision and the plaintiff is injured .
12 The imaginary antagonist next argues that the argument contains a contradiction — namely , that as men are held to be primarily governed by their emotions in the attachment they have to religion , rationality will be of no avail against it .
13 The perpetrators are held to be responsible for their actions and there is an emphasis on retribution , not only against the murderer or murderers , but also against the social workers who , it is claimed , failed the child .
14 The President is elected by direct popular vote for a five-year term , at the same time as elections are held to the National Assembly .
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