Example sentences of "[noun pl] are [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 However , the most important spenders are clients who most frequently use London-based agencies .
2 Underestimating the speed of events or overestimating the efficiency of personnel are factors which lead to slippage in any work programme and their early detection is essential to effective progress monitoring .
3 When enterprises plan their production on the criterion of profitability they are only honouring their obligation to their shareholders — — to earn them a reasonable return on their money — and if those shareholders are institutions which are in turn merely trustees of the people 's savings … well , evidently notions of class struggle and exploitation must be out of date .
4 The most relevant categories to compare in such cases are ones which are immediately in contrast to one another .
5 However , a substantial proportion of the long-term cases are children who have been taken into care against the wishes of their parents because they have not been receiving adequate care or control .
6 Coercive inducements are inducements which are so powerful , and so difficult to refuse , that they come to act as a kind of coercion .
7 Activities are actions which take time eg filling kettle , pouring tea .
8 Dummy activities are actions which do not incur time , but need to be shown to ensure the logic of the network .
9 Choropleth maps are maps which show the distribution of the magnitude of a variable such as population density for each of a set of areal units such as counties or enumeration districts .
10 Dies are tools which can be used in presses to produce a particular shape usually by stamping or bending e.g. car body panels .
11 Values are rules which are not attached to particular roles but are more general standards concerning worthy behaviour ; for example , injunctions like ‘ Uphold the Law ’ , ‘ Respect Private Property ’ , ‘ Work Hard ’ , ‘ Protect Family Life ’ , etc. reflect the kinds of values typical of Western industrial societies .
12 The majority of hijras are men who get themselves castrated and dress like women .
13 Soleras are wines which carry the date of the vintage wine with which the solera was begun .
14 A certificate will be issued by the court only if the improvements are ones which are reasonable and suitable and which will add to the value of the premises and do not detract from the value of any other property belonging to the landlord .
15 Your essays are answers which try to satisfy these requirements .
16 Sponsorship of sporting events and patronage of the arts are methods which are being used increasingly to promote an organization 's reputation with the public .
17 In that sense , the methods are tools which I share with the others .
18 I think environmental discount and environmental considerations are factors which we 'll come back to in in looking at the migration rates , so you 're going to have another shot at this one .
19 As many of our readers are non-members we have included a page ‘ What is the NCT ’ .
20 However , many Type A organizations are monopolies which challenge the validity of this argument .
21 In and around the long-abandoned quarries are millstones which the workers had barely started on ; others with their circular shapes and central holes ; a few even have the radial grooves or ‘ harps ’ chiselled into them , ready for use in the flour mills ; but all left lying when the trade collapsed under competition in the eighteenth century from imported French Burr stones , which were thought to be of better quality for the purpose .
22 Drivers are professionals who are employed to race where their teams compete and I do n't think they would be penalised for doing their jobs . ’
23 Strategic visionaries are leaders who use their familiarity with the issues as a springboard to innovation , who are able to add value by building new perceptions on old practices .
24 The subjects are things which have caught a national mood exactly , like ITMA , The Goons and , last Friday , Look Back in Anger .
25 The two largest beneficiaries are Salisbury which will receive £870,000 over the next three years and Ely , which gets £690,000 .
26 Months are things you live with .
27 Digitizers are machines which perform this task .
28 Indeed , more than 30 per cent of clients are women who are generally more successful as they are better listeners and tend not to rush at obstacles .
29 You can work in private practice where the clients are people who come to you for help ; or you can work for central or local government , the Magistrates ' Courts Service , or a commercial or industrial organisation , where the employer is your ‘ client ’ .
30 Mr Szuluc says his parents are pensioners who ca n't afford to clothe him , so in frustration he decided to stage a protest at his local DSS office in Stroud , stripping off in front of the other bemused claimants , and handing his borrowed clothes back to his brother .
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