Example sentences of "[noun pl] not [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Well it does at the moment because erm I 've got really sore calves not from this from erm
2 The fact that Karajan was a man of considerable good humour , with a fund of musical anecdotes and a talent for musical mimicry , does not obscure the existence of that more private self that Steiner claims to have glimpsed and which was also evident in Karajan 's long-standing preoccupation with skiing , flying , and sailing , activities not of some rich playboy , but of a person who since childhood had been uneasy with gregariousness and the urban life .
3 and in many cases not at all , defensive .
4 Let me tell you of some of the important stories that I believe we have covered inadequately — and in some cases not at all .
5 There are cases not in any way in doubt on this appeal which establish the general proposition that a foetus enjoys , while still a foetus , no independent legal personality — a foetus can not , while a foetus , sue and can not be made a ward of court : see Paton v. British Pregnancy Advisory Service Trustees [ 1979 ] Q.B .
6 Not only were the hands and feet not in any of the places I had thought possible , but I had come to realise that the hypothesis was quite inadequate to explain missing eyeballs , these being hopelessly ill equipped for hopping , volts or no volts .
7 Many of these are in the LFA but they are all criticised by Auvergne et Nature as being either ineffective or protecting small sites not under any threat anyway .
8 ‘ We 'd done the Exhilarator course in the evening but we had n't found anything — except that Cawthorne does n't like women much , and blacks not at all . ’
9 Allowing the BBC 's appeal , the Vice-Chancellor , Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson , sitting with Lords Justices Staughton and Beldam , said the 1988 Copyright Act created rights and remedies for broadcasters not against those who received the programmes , but against those who enabled viewers to receive the transmissions and thereby avoid the viewing fee .
10 According to Locke , however , the question is ‘ what makes the same person , and not whether it be the same identical substance , which always thinks in the same person , which in this case matters not at all ’ .
11 They discovered ‘ … a spacious vault walled about and arched over with stones having on the sides thereof two stone seats not unlike those in churches for auricular confession .
12 Written in 1951 , it has flavours not unlike those in Prokofiev 's Seventh Symphony .
13 It was joined by small shopkeepers , doctors , dentists , lawyers , and airline pilots not from some conspiracy but because of the damaging re-distribu-tive effects of inflation which all were experiencing .
14 There are numerous Carboniferous crinoids not unlike this one , which require expert knowledge in their discrimination .
15 Any of us involved with English language teaching and research , if we are truthful , regularly have feelings not unlike those expressed by Marcellus .
16 Pelops wins because he is given even swifter horses by his lover Poseidon ; Oenomaus 's death is barely alluded to ; Myrtilos not at all .
17 Thus in patients taking NSAIDs synthesis of LTB 4 was 2.2 ( 0.8–4.5 ) pg/mg ( n=24 ) in those taking second line treatment compared with 0.8 ( 0.0–2.3 ) pg/mg ( n=41 ) in patients not on these drugs ( p<0.006 ) .
18 I wonder whether , if Labour Members present were Members not of this but of a similar Parliament in an eastern European country or in Russia , they would be taking this attitude .
19 spreading by the blood , the bacilli become established in every part of the body and thus overcome the patient , not so much by local damage as by the great general toxaemia , which produces symptoms not unlike those of typhoid fever – irregular fever , rapid pulse , dry skin and all the evidence of raging pyrexia , leading to delirium and coma , followed almost inevitably by a fatal termination .
20 My main aim was for some relief to the back pain that I had had for many years but , having tried many other so-called ‘ back pain relief techniques ’ , without much success ( some worked for a short while , others not at all or even made the pain worse ) , I was not too optimistic .
21 Bureaucracy , for example , interdigitates with the social reality of individuals and communities , penetrating some spheres of life deeply , others not at all : in each , it may be invited , welcomed , kept at bay , questioned , resented , taken for granted , or regarded as a closed book .
22 By ten o'clock the town was only half-lit and many of the smaller back streets not at all .
23 Decorative white fringed flowers above dark green trifoliate leaves not unlike those of a broad bean .
24 The women not at all .
25 I 've 'ad this idea for a long time an' if I can get a few customers , we 'll be able ter buy some extra food an' we 'll be able to rent a better 'ouse , with good strong doors not like these rotten ones . ’
26 Are controlled and driven by events not by any one party or any parties .
27 Flight-muscle homogenates of Hyalophora cecropia and Locusta migratoria will actively oxidize fatty acids by mechanisms not unlike those occurring in vertebrate tissues ( Gilbert , 1967 ) but much more is known of flight-muscle metabolism in the species that use carbohydrates .
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