Example sentences of "[noun pl] by [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Political opponents such as Mr Chihana take great risks by returning to the country ; Dr Banda recently said that if they did , they would be ‘ meat for crocodiles ’ .
2 D Director Woody Allen stunned fans by admitting to an affair with Soon-Yi , 19 , the adopted daughter of actress wife Mia Farrow .
3 With the vision of Robert Emmet and the crucifix in mind , could the PIRA not stop to ask how they — or any of the rest of us for that matter — may redeem the bitter legacy of centuries by adding to it ?
4 Share your thoughts with other readers by writing to Anne at .
5 Share your thoughts with other readers by writing to Anne at Machine Knitting Monthly , .
6 Share your thoughts with other readers by writing to Anne at Machine Knitting Monthly , .
7 Share your thoughts with other readers by writing to Anne at Machine Knitting Monthly , 3 Bridge Avenue , Maidenhead , Berkshire SL6 1RR .
8 Share your thoughts with other readers by writing to Anne .
9 Share your thoughts with other readers by writing to Anne at Machine Knitting Monthly .
10 In the meantime , in places like Poitou , noblemen tried to settle their disputes by going to war .
11 The storyteller explains her words by referring to the deaths of her father-in-law and husband , as well as the capture of the ark .
12 He ignored her words by reverting to the former subject .
13 Once you start walking regularly you can vary your walks by going to the park , the beach or the hills .
14 Ambassador Lipski had begun to complain to Göring that German newspapers like Der Stürmer and Der Gessilige from Pila were stirring up resentment against the Poles throughout the border districts by referring to the forcible separation of Danzig from the Reich , and by referring to the Polish Corridor as land ceded to Poland .
15 Above all I fail to see how one could worship God or expand one 's religious sensibilities by looking to this past .
16 Focusing more particularly on forgiveness , Jesus defended the woman who had poured myrrh over his feet by pointing to the same reason : ‘ Her great love proves that her many sins have been forgiven ; where little has been forgiven , little love is shown . ’
17 We asked Barbara to write about her favourite and most useful London shops , and readers voted with their feet by flocking to the shops she featured .
18 This was seen by some to have advantages by conforming to the system adopted by most other modular and course unit schemes in polytechnics and universities .
19 It exerts its effects by binding to cytosolic guanylate cyclase and stimulating the production of cyclic guanosine monophosphate .
20 Conflict : The bank may be able to circumvent these ceilings by lending to a third party who subsequently re-lends to the securities division .
21 Sometimes it is the Had I But Known what grim secret lurked beneath the smiling exterior I would never have set foot within the door ; Sometimes the Had I But Known then what I know now , I could have saved at least three lives by revealing to the Inspector the conversation I heard through that fortuitous hole in the floor .
22 He failed to take a wicket at Sydney in the next Test , and helped Gibbs to a reciprocal three wickets in four balls by falling to the first he received .
23 When choosing a massage oil , you can , if you like , try to match your partner 's needs by referring to the therapeutic charts and other Aromatherapy information in Chapter 5 .
24 And we can not explain more complex needs by appealing to a concept of a universal individual such as homo oeconomicus .
25 That 's over now : the first settlers are moving on , either because they have children , or to regain the excitement of the early days by moving to Whitechapel or Dublin , where only bulldozers are interested in sunken Georgian houses on their uppers .
26 But while the British media 's account of World Cup preparations in Italy has been dominated by the prospect of violence , British domestic youth culture has primed itself for other possibilities by looking to the Latin-influenced culture of spectatorship and style .
27 In a magazine interview she managed to upset Catholics by referring to ‘ the evil demons of the papacy ’ , insult some would-be Tory leaders of the past , and raise doubts by making dubious claims about her command of several languages , including Yiddish and German .
28 Perhaps the most obvious course is to elucidate the strategies of classes by appealing to the constraints under which they labour .
29 Your readers can get a free fact-file on monitors by writing to the Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths , 35 Belgrave Square , London SW1X 8QB .
30 This subversive exchange represents one of the ‘ pockets of freedom ’ — Sibylle 's own phrase — that were to be found in every stratum of a superficially homogeneous Nazi society — not just in one branch of the Hitler Youth , but in the army at the battlefront and , of course , at home , where Sibylle 's mother shocked her tea guests by referring to her ‘ dear Jewish friends ’ abroad , and her father listened to the forbidden BBC with the volume turned up full .
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