Example sentences of "[noun pl] he [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But taking no risks he rose again into the night .
2 He had already overtaken his mother and she did not know how to cope with the graded readers he brought home from school or his teacher 's request that she should hear him read .
3 Ferguson then said he would buy the title for the fans he had so badly let down .
4 It was just one of these regular lunch-parties he has so that he can keep in touch with people he would n't otherwise meet .
5 With nothing but a pole up his back and a drum wedged between his legs he bashed away with panache , as if frantically sewing up a leaking willie with giant needle and thread .
6 The methods he used then had altered little over the years , but he was aware change was in the air .
7 For Iranians he was charismatic , but for most foreigners he seemed rather strange .
8 An investigations unit would be set up in London , staffed by reputable heavyweight journalists he had already selected .
9 Two others were journalists he knew already .
10 Some of the apparatus is made by Philips and Westinghouse , some by manufacturers he has never heard o It all looks slightly unfamiliar .
11 Quiss could feel himself starting to s " " eat already , despite having left most of his furs lying at the top of the steps he had just descended .
12 He did n't mind at first but when he kept bumping into sculptures of boats , animals or castles he became more and more frustrated .
13 As he turned and looked into her eyes he knew instinctively there was no need to worry on that score .
14 And more than once he lost his way because he was remembering the bluest eyes he had ever seen .
15 Now it might be argued that ontologically the decisive factor is that on opening his eyes he found again two distinct individuals .
16 He was elected by his brethren for a purely utilitarian purpose , but in God 's eyes he remained just another humble seeker .
17 Defenders of the Jewish American pieties and proprieties , and those in Israel for whom the Diaspora Jew is a rootless cosmopolitan , had marked Roth as a bad man , and in their eyes he has yet to turn into a good one .
18 I conjure you by the bitter tears shed on the Cross by our Saviour the Lord JESUS Christ for the salvation of the world , and by the burning tears poured in the evening hour over His wounds by the most glorious Virgin MARY , His Mother , and by all the tears which have been shed here in this world by the Saints and Elect of God from whose eyes He has now wiped away all tears , that if you be innocent you do now shed tears , but if you be guilty that you shall by no means do so .
19 Yet in The Four Temperaments he revealed very clearly and subtly how four very different types of person react to the mood suggested by Hindemith 's music , whilst using his particular style of classical dance ( see page 54 ) .
20 Drachenfels had an ear for strange and disturbing music , and the guards he placed here — two Guardian Spirits ( see New Monsters ) — are still present .
21 ‘ Well , if he 's so decent , ’ said Amiss , as he donned the pyjamas he had specially bought for the purposes of room-sharing , ‘ why does he allow us to be fed so badly ? ’
22 It 's hard now to see how The Shamen will keep the club vibe going in the stadiums they will undoubtedly end up playing , how Colin will avoid the rock postures he hates so much .
23 The next showing was The Tin Drum , but that was a book my father had bought for me years ago , one of the few real presents he has ever given me , and I had therefore assiduously avoided reading it , just as I had Myra Breckinridge , another of his rare gifts .
24 He smiled back at his mother in gratitude , but when she made to put a consoling arm around his shoulders he moved aside .
25 Once across the allotments he walked more openly , even though he kept a wary eye out behind him .
26 Though Spouse says Elspeth defies the idea that You Ca n't Take It With You and will join her ancestors wearing her best tweed and Celtic silver and clutching the two cut-glass decanters he has always coveted .
27 The sufferings he saw everywhere piled up more and more tasks and threatened to overwhelm him .
28 The shops he had just examined stretched all the way back to the churchyard wall and their rear windows , set grimly amongst the headstones and mausoleums , had to be checked too .
29 He walked slowly up the familiar road admiring the shops he had once dreamed of owning .
30 The authors he found most helpful in this ‘ interim ’ period were all mystics , or figures who emphasized spirit over matter — MacDonald , William Ralph Inge , Jacob Boehme , whose quasi-theosophical , semi-astrological De Signatura Rerum ( The Signatures of Things ) gave him ‘ about the biggest shaking up I 've got from a book , since I first read Phantastes ’ .
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