Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Given that the main aims of most arts departments , and of the examination syllabuses in arts subjects , refer to the development of such qualities as ‘ imagination ’ , ‘ creativity ’ , and the ‘ ability to respond expressively to given stimuli ’ ; qualities that are essentially concerned with that same kind of engagement with ‘ sensuous forms ’ mentioned above , and we are left asking the question ‘ Can , or even should , children 's work in the arts be examined at all ? ’
2 That those responsible for the choice of hymns and worship songs be guided by the quality of their doctrinal content , language and musical idiom , and that both the new and the old be included in the repertoire ( 530–533 , 538 — 539 , 541 ) .
3 It provided for the unimpeded movement of foreign exchange and gold into and out of the country by both Philippine residents and overseas investors , and removed the requirement that foreign exchange earned abroad by Philippine-based commodity and service exporters be sold to Manila-based banks .
4 Can Compacts be established without Training Agency funding ?
5 I propose therefore that speakers in a locality should be supplied by the Agent in charge of it ; and that grants of literature and money to organizations be made through them .
6 Thank you very much then I would ask and would put the ordinary resolution that the minimum annual subscription for member clubs , past associations and other affiliated organizations be increased from twenty four to thirty two pounds .
7 The purpose in defining these three classes of organization was to consider the question ( Anthony , 1978 , p. 165 ) : ‘ How , if at all , would business organizations be distinguished from other organizations for the purposes of developing accounting concepts ? ’
8 Anthony 's purpose in offering the above categories was to help answer the following question : how , if at all , should business organizations be distinguished from other organisations for the purpose of setting accounting standards ?
9 The EC has adopted the Report 's proposals that member countries ' currencies be replaced by a single European currency and that a European Central Bank , with responsibility for the Community 's monetary and exchange rate policies , be established .
10 Representatives of the Artists Rights Society , Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts , and New York Artists Equity , agreed that resale rights were important creative incentives and suggested that visual artists ' royalties be administered in a manner similar to the administration of royalties for musicians , composers and writers .
11 The report , while acknowledging a need for pesticides , recommends that health considerations be put before those of agricultural production .
12 If it were accepted that the parties have no legal rights and duties under a political treaty , then even less could the legal position of third parties be affected by it .
13 It can not be right for such information to be available , by a sidewind , for the court but the parties be prevented from presenting their arguments on such material .
14 Can an expert or the parties be sued for defamation for remarks made in the course of a reference ?
15 Where proceedings are delayed through unreasonable or time-wasting behaviour by one of the parties involved , the Reporter should feel free to make a recommendation , on which the Secretary of State will place considerable weight , that the expenses of other parties be awarded against the party responsible .
16 For this reason , the FRED proposes that on the expiry of a warrant the amount previously recognised in shareholders ' funds be recognised in the statement of total recognised gains and losses .
17 The Discussion Paper proposed that shareholders ' funds be analysed between the amounts attributable to equity and non-equity shares , and envisaged that this would be provided by analysing its component parts ( called up share capital , share premium account and other reserves ) between equity and non-equity interests ( Discussion Paper , paragraphs 3.50-3.56 ) .
18 The combined responsibility , and the very large increases that occurred in both civil and criminal work , co-inciding with the Treasury 's insistence that expenditure from public funds be kept in bounds , led to acrimonious and repeated clashes with the legal profession over fees and rates of remuneration .
19 Such practices do undoubtedly maintain local unemployment at relatively low levels and ensure the continuation of basic public services , but why could not such funds be utilised in a more productive and socially satisfactory way ?
20 So why should down-to-earth , hard-headed Lancastrians be convinced by the marketing of this toolkit ?
21 Now the Noble Lord , Lord Merlyn Reece and one or two other have argued against that , but I think on the Your Lordships would feel that there should be a wider constituency , that being so should these recruits be secured by co-option , by appointment , or by some other way .
22 Spending levels had been already set by democratically agreed initiatives ( such as Proposition 98 , which guaranteed that 40.3 per cent of state outlays be spent on schools ) , federal rules and court decisions .
23 The Supreme Court on Dec. 13 banned " cultural weapons " , overturning a previous ruling in May that weapons such as ceremonial axes and spears be exempted on cultural grounds from the general prohibition on dangerous weapons [ see p. 38178 ] .
24 This followed a demand tabled at the Supreme Soviet in November that prime ministerial nominees be presented to Congress for approval [ see p. 39202 ] .
25 Only so may choral opportunities be provided for future generations of children .
26 Could mule pregnancies be interfered with by giving the mare a skin graft from her prospective donkey consort ?
27 One suggestion which spoke volumes , was for the erection of close-mesh wire fencing along the boundary hedges to stop balls going out of bounds , and another that a selection of books be provided in the clubhouse so that ‘ on the wet days there would be some occupation ’ .
28 The Australian captain also suggested that the number of umpires be increased from two to three , though only two would be on the pitch at one time .
29 That the potential of music for fostering ecumenical relationships be utilised to the full by the Church at all levels ( 503–504 ) .
30 Can Paul 's words be applied to you and I ?
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