Example sentences of "[noun pl] that a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In each of these settings , there will be things to look out for as signs or signals that a violent episode might take place .
2 But the industry consensus yesterday was that the outlook remained gloomy amid worries that a Labour government 's economic policies could further depress sales .
3 Unfortunately , this so incensed some supporters that an ugly incident occurred which was sensationally reported in the Whaddon and Mitchley Argus under the banner headline ‘ Ref Struck by String ’ .
4 ‘ That sort of route would be impractical but it might help solve the exessses that a small minority of anglers get up to . ’
5 But then , you 're too conventional to know anything about the sort of relationships that a literary man can have . ’
6 The term syntagmatic was attached by Saussure to the sequential or combinatory relationships that a given language system permits : the relationship between the three sounds , for instance , that make up the word ‘ tree ’ , or the syntactical relationship between the words ‘ the tree is green ’ , and so on .
7 The left 's recovery confirmed the opinion of many on the right in the months following Asturias that a precious opportunity to smash the left and destroy the Republic was being lost .
8 Although I had been under no real illusions that an amazing secret would suddenly be revealed , I was nevertheless disappointed that my theories had proved to be groundless .
9 Gloria took from her bag a little blanket made of coloured squares that a long-ago lady in a shelter had knitted for Baby before he was born .
10 When he first advocated these ideas Hare largely went along with the view of most attitudinists that a correct account of the meaning of ethical language has no definite implications as to what moral views one should take .
11 Australian DJ Brian White told his listeners that a drunken journalist had approached Kylie after she had been presented with an award and asked her if she felt ashamed to have won it in a room full of so many talented people .
12 So great was the prestige of such institutions that a so-called ‘ mitred abbot ’ in Ireland was accorded unusually high official status — a status equal , in the ecclesiastical hierarchy to that of a bishop .
13 There could be nothing more suspicious than a Secretary of State or one of his administrative officials deciding for political or administrative reasons that a particular accident should not be investigated when a vital matter of air safety was at issue .
14 Accordingly P P G three on paragraph thirty three states that a new settlement should normally only be contemplated where certain criteria are satisfied , including avoidance of the greenbelt .
15 Through the ‘ assessment of prior learning ’ ( APL ) , they allow for those skills that an individual already possesses to be recognised ( no re-inventing the wheel ! ) .
16 The future exhibitions programme of the ICA supplies something of a guide to the sorts of significances that a critically-minded culture of a post-modernist kind will be pursuing in the next year or two .
17 Colour Sergeant Skuse has already driven down to the Soviet Checkpoint , one kilometre away in East Germany , to warn the Russians that a British military convoy is expected to enter the city .
18 1.39 It is clear from Walkley v Precision Forgings that an unserved writ is worse than no writ at all .
19 Supreme Soviet chair Stanislav Shushkevich told deputies that a new law was being prepared which would bar state employees from working in the private sector .
20 So although for the majority of cases that a fatal as a result of diphtheria the fact that , due actually to the pharyngitis and the pseudo- membrane obstructing the respiratory passage .
21 The fact that it is not an essential part of the process of granting an advance in all cases that a basic valuation should be supplied by an employee of the society , does not mean that where the basic valuation is supplied by an employee its provision is not part of the process of administration .
22 There is no evidence in the great majority of cases that an altered body clock is in any way responsible , but there is one group of people who suffer from a fairly rare form of insomnia called Delayed Sleep phase Syndrome .
23 It was recognised in these cases that an indeterminate sentence could properly be passed in a case where dangerousness arose from a non-treatable personality disorder .
24 ( b ) In English law the choice of law rules governing claims for restitution are influenced by the claim being connected with a contract , having regard to the English conflict of laws rule that the proper law of the obligation to restore a benefit , if the obligation arises in connection with a contract , is the proper law of the contract : Dicey & Morris , The Conflict of Laws , 11th ed. ( 1987 ) , p. 1350 , r. 203. ( c ) Quasi-contractual claims , at least where there is a contract involved , should probably fall per se under article 5(1) : see the opinion of the editors of Dicey & Morris , at p. 341 , to this effect , and the decision of the Scottish courts that a statutory claim to contribution falls within the article in Engdiv Ltd. v. G. Percy Trentham Ltd. , 1990 S.L.T. 617 , 621. ( d ) In the case of a claim for the return of moneys paid under an ineffective contract , there is no artificiality in deducing an implied promise to pay , even though the old theory that restitution was based on the concept of such an implied promise is now largely discredited .
25 This rocket-shaped machine can travel along the inside of the pipe , and weld a section together in four minutes instead of the 16 hours that a skilled welder would take .
26 The labels also tell us that the United States courts see nothing absurd in admitting the multiplicity of meanings that a statutory term can have , nor in accepting that the agency 's choice as to the precise meaning should govern .
27 Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson described this submission as ‘ plainly ill founded ’ and said that it was ‘ no answer to the S.I.B . 's claim against the solicitors that an individual investor would have no right of action against the solicitors . ’
28 I have not seen that report , but I have expressed before the dangers that a minimum wage policy would hold for employment levels .
29 Not only are there dangers that a particular tab of E contains strychnine or whatever , there is also the chance that it is not E at all .
30 But trade associations representing credit grantors have reacted unfavourably to proposals that a statutory levy should be imposed on lenders to finance the centres , writes Richard Smith .
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