Example sentences of "[noun pl] you have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If it is not legible and consists of a series of private squiggles you have already jeopardised your chances of passing the examination .
2 Whatever happens , any tax relief obtained on donations you have already made will not be lost .
3 three and a half Kevin , that was one of the worst investments you have ever made .
4 You are unable to suspend judgement and dismiss/criticize activities you have never tried ( ie yoga , jogging , skiing , hang-gliding ) .
5 But joy of joys , the New Moon in Scorpio on the 29th and some stunning planetary aspects in early November should spark off some kind of personal revival and no matter how many times you have been let down or left in the lurch in the past , emotionally this can and ought to be one of the happiest times you have ever known .
6 That 's one of the reasons why I 'm , why I 'm also interested in er in Freud because I think Freud provides that , I happen to think that Freud 's studies of , of crowd group psychology actually explain that , although it takes time to you know , certainly not at five minutes to four , it takes time to explain , but I think there is an explanation there and I think you c y y you can claim that there are certain emotions to do with identification and idealization , th that our genes have a programmer which things like erm nationalistic erm , erm er kind of jingoism can exploit in a modern culture which in primal cultures would have primal cultures people identify with their , with their local kin and their local culture and that 's that might ultimately promote their reproductive success , but that in modern cultures , this identification occurs with erm on a completely different level and with lots of people will not merely because you need so many more people modern cultures you have much more erm much bigger groups and you just meet many more people that , than you were ever th there is some interesting research , research recently published for instance which shows erm organizations seem to have a critical size and that people are not really able to track more than about two hundred and fifty other people , in other words you can have face-to-face relationships with up to about two hundred and fifty others , but once it gets beyond two hundred and fifty it 's too much and you start forgetting somebody as if the brain was primed to an optimum group size and once you get above that you just ca n't keep .
7 You can just shout out any ideas you have so why do we need well trained people ?
8 Just time for a few hours sleep before the early morning call in the biggest beds you have ever seen .
9 ‘ How often in the course of driving a car , taking a walk , or some routine activity , do you ‘ wake up ’ to discover that , for the moment at least , you have no recollection of the places you have just passed through or the things you have just done ? ’
10 Will there be a recommended itinerary apart from the buildings you have already mentioned ?
11 Keep a note of medicines or home treatments you have already tried and what effects , if any , they have had .
12 The Prime Minister retorted angrily : ‘ I do believe that on reflection you might be ashamed of some of the things you have just said . ’
13 ‘ How often in the course of driving a car , taking a walk , or some routine activity , do you ‘ wake up ’ to discover that , for the moment at least , you have no recollection of the places you have just passed through or the things you have just done ? ’
14 Draw up a list of 20 things you have never done that are silly but do n't cost much money and work your way down the list by doing one each day ( eg leave your car in the garage and hitch a lift , turn the daily newspaper into papier mâché , go to the shops wearing a funny hat , shake hands with the next 10 people you meet ) .
15 Look up at the rooftops and you will see things you have never noticed before .
16 You may discover things you have never noticed before .
17 As , as a matter of fact , my son you know those di things you have like you have for the television like a switch box ?
18 Dressed up or down it fits the fill for every occasion and will be one of the easiest things you have ever made — try it in linen , washed silk or a floral print
19 I must say I 've only grown two maincrop this year , I 've been clearing some new ground and I 've just grown King Edward and Pink Fir Apple , I 've got the biggest biggest Pink Fir Apples you have ever seen bar none but I 'm coming back to you now Fred , I put to you a few minutes ago , your personal recommendations for the best three or four or five potatoes for the different cooking purposes .
20 Installation time is largely dependant on how much disk space the files you have already take up , since what 's already there is squeezed to make room for the extra drive , and squeezing takes time .
21 Rehang the appropriate shoulder of the first piece you knitted from its waste yarn on to the needles you have just emptied , with the right side towards you and pulling the needles out so that the stitches are just behind the latches .
22 Please do keep telling us of any complaints or suggestions you have either about the Journal or about the way the Society is being run .
23 I have therefore to agree with both the councils , that the comments you have just made and which you make at some length in your proof on this point , amount in effect to a late objection .
24 unc we can use the equations you have just learnt in the following way .
25 And in the point-of-sale material just a headline as opposed to the two sentences you have now ?
26 I am writing in reply to your letter of 30 June 1993 to our Director enclosing copies of leaflets you have recently produced .
27 Your first efforts at hearing , transcribing and producing the sounds of a new language are bound to be subjective an biased according to the languages you have previously had experience with .
28 Rewind the tape back to the beginning and do a replay of the shots you have just taken .
29 According to the book of legends you have just shown us , Arthur came here to drink from the Grail , whilst one of his knights , Sir Bedivere , reputedly took Excalibur down to Narepool which is only three miles from Glastonbury .
30 This holds the pressed plant material in place allowing you to build up a design without dislodging any of the flowers you have already arranged .
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