Example sentences of "[noun pl] that had got " in BNC.

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1 The rowing boat near the weir — only this time they had gone too far and Uncle Albert was not strong enough to row them back to safety ; the study at Uncle Albert 's house looking warm and friendly and inviting ; the professor beetle shouting rude instructions at some little beetles that had got into difficulty ; again a glimpse of her uncle 's study ; then a turnstile — one of those that only turn one way , so once you have passed through it you ca n't get back ; playful light beams now shrieking with fear as they hurtle past the window to their destruction ; walking up the down-escalator and not being able to get anywhere ; yet another brief snatch of the study …
2 Hungover traders spent most of the day creaming off profits on earlier high-risers , or hoovering up stocks that had got left behind .
3 She broke off , her face rapt as she remembered some of the things she 'd seen , some of the things that had got to her .
4 But if you did n't have an A licence , most firms that had got their own vehicles could get a C licence which allowed them to keep th take their own goods in er er that they used for their own practices to wherever they were going to but did n't y allow you to take anybody else 's .
5 It , it , it just went on for a lit a short time afterwards but er , but when the war ended course things , some things changed pretty rapidly as you can appreciate but , but by this time I , I was working for Ellwells then on long distance transport and we used to have to go and fetch tractors or bulldozers that had got armour plating on from Dagenham docks and bring them up here and start selling them to civic contractors and the , the Americans were selling a lot of equipment as well at end of the war , and I saw money made overnight like , people were buying the lorries and putting them on the road you know for work and transport firms and all that and they were getting some of them for next to nothing
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