Example sentences of "[noun pl] that they can " in BNC.

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1 The great advantage of having a fixed date er for these European elections on the ninth of June , a date that 's been well known for a considerable time now , should be the certainty for the electorate , that they know not only the date of that election but the geographical boundary er of the constituency in which they live er the candidates that they can choose from and of course in relation to European elections , the number of er members of the European parliament that there will be representing the United Kingdom .
2 No , I would say that if an independent assessor has been dispatched to this is a good point worth bringing through in the event of erm a disagreement between ourselves and a policy holder , the policy holder has a number of aspects that they can they can approach .
3 Denounced ‘ designer violence ’ on TV , warning programme-makers that they can not avoid the issue by raising the bogey of censorship .
4 If that opportunity is denied the search company then they will have significant problems convincing their clients that they can do a good job .
5 As we said in section 3.3 , this is one of the reasons that they can manage with such a low ratio of bankers ' deposits to customer deposits .
6 Young children will be exploring the identity and simple attributes of objects that they can see and feel .
7 of course our members er of which we 've got a hundred and twenty three thousand , flood the lines into Luton wanted to know what happens they imagined a surplus as being some pot of er big tub of notes that they can dip it and we can dip into , but of course the surpluses have been used basically by British Telecom in particular for funding early retirement schemes er we 're in no way in knowledge whether the money 's every been paid back .
8 The birds ' echolocation is , however , limited by the frequencies that they can hear .
9 Interactions with oscillating quadrupoles , etc. are also possible , but are so much weaker than dipole interactions that they can usually be ignored .
10 Do you have a rota system where if maybe six have got onto an appliance and there 's another fire comes up in a few hours that they can not turn ut again , or is it just a matter of whoever gets there first again ?
11 The sudden , sharp increase in cross-Atlantic skiing traffic owes much to the claims of some American resorts that they can guarantee snow cover , even if as much as 75 per cent of it may be man-made .
12 The factors/invoice discounters who form the bulk of the industry have nevertheless been quick to exploit any competitive advantage for their products that they can discover .
13 What those industries fear more than anything else is interference by the Government and the European Commission , interference in the choice of products that they can make , interference in the work patterns that they can enjoy and interference in their wage rates .
14 However , it is characteristic of quantified patterns that they can conceal what lies behind them and so they can be interpreted much more deeply than in this unilinear way .
15 What those industries fear more than anything else is interference by the Government and the European Commission , interference in the choice of products that they can make , interference in the work patterns that they can enjoy and interference in their wage rates .
16 Any people who have ever suffered from itches that they can not scratch will sympathize with the dilemma of the de-clawed cat .
17 " We want to bring it to the attention of communities that they can do something about the rubbish in their streets , " said UNEP 's Richard Lumbe , launching the campaign in Nairobi .
18 Some children brought up in institutions are so damaged by these experiences that they can not live in a family where they have to respond to others ' feelings and may escape into work in an institutional setting .
19 ‘ I want to show companies that they can help the environment and save money .
20 Babies are weak and vulnerable in the face of huge shapes and loud noises that they can only dimly perceive .
21 Why is it , then , that so many of our constituents are coming to advice surgeries about bills that they can not afford to pay ?
22 As Lord Upjohn said in Phipps v. Boardman , at p. 123 : ‘ Rules of equity have to be applied to such a great diversity of circumstances that they can be stated only in the most general terms and applied with particular attention to the exact circumstances of each case . ’
23 We 've made it , so we 're showing other blacks that they can make it as well .
24 Labour in the north of Britain and the Conservatives in the south have so many safe seats that they can suffer a loss of popular votes without this being translated into an equivalent loss of seats .
25 We will of course be in the middle of a natural seasonal shortage but I am advising finishers that they can not afford to ignore current prices and I think that a reasonable flow of cattle will still come forward , ’ he said .
26 Decisions about them — their expansion , scope , and so on have such important economic implications that they can not be , and are not , taken simply in the light of our knowledge of social needs .
27 Judgements made in the course of a lecture will be taken down in notes as if they were facts , whereas it is in the nature of critical judgements that they can not be taken over by others ; it is on this dilemma , I believe , that Leavisism ultimately foundered .
28 The package can then carry a green spot , to show retailers that they can leave its recycling to the DSD .
29 Scientists have discovered several polymer films that they can make either neutral or charged .
30 of places that they can not fill because miners have already been moved there from other pits .
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