Example sentences of "[noun pl] that he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been making some records but they were n't successful and for the first few weeks after I 'd met him and decided to work with him , I was listening to songs that he 'd written , and was in the process of writing , and came to the conclusion that he was not essentially a singles artist .
2 Mr Delors abandoned a semi-social engagement in Watford to return to Brussels after a brief visit to Oxford , with accusations ringing in his ears that he had sabotaged the talks .
3 With the change from a nomadic and food-gathering to an agricultural and more highly organized form of society , man 's anxiety about himself and the animals that he hunted merged into a wider anxiety about nature .
4 Will he give an assurance that he will sustain the generous funding of Northern Arts that he has managed in the past few years ?
5 It was from these informants that he pieced together a picture of organised crime as being controlled by key personnel in the police force , local government , business and the legal profession .
6 It was then that I conceived the idea of getting a few fans that he had in those days to walk around the television company with placards saying Lets Be Fair To The Long Hairs , which did get press publicity , and in the end , the producer relented and he did his first TV show . ’
7 But as he left , Billy Ray , 31 , indicated to fans that he had only two finger-lickin' minutes to spare .
8 In fact the actor , who reassures fans that he has no plans to quit 90210 now that his movie career is under way , has a more than healthy respect for the opposite sex — a lot of it born out of his admiration at how his mother struggled through during the dark early years of his life .
9 The methods that he chose to investigate this phenomenon were mainly social-psychological , enquiring into the motivations and psychological reactions of individual peasants rather than into the concrete structures and conditions of their lives .
10 For his purposes data sheets are ideal and standard tests laid down by the national standards institutions are the methods that he uses .
11 The methods that he employed in September and October 1962 — the referendum combined with a personal appeal to popular confidence and official manipulation of the mass media — were essentially those he had employed throughout the early years of the Fifth Republic .
12 Now I am wondering about the other lists that he annexed to his letter , of suggested colleagues , procedures and methods .
13 I should like to speak longer , because the hon. Member for Islington , South and Finsbury ( Mr. Smith ) spoke about the losses that he envisages would be incurred by the development of the station at King 's Cross , and if I had the time I should love to expand on the economic benefits that could be achieved in employment terms , the environmental benefits that would accrue to the area and the safety benefits that would be brought about by the Fennell provisions in the Bill .
14 The German escapement action Stein employed in all the pianos that he made after the piano in the vis-á-vis instrument can be seen as a transformation of the Cristofori-Silbermann piano action .
15 On Nov. 21 President Najibullah confirmed during a press conference at the UN 's Geneva offices that he had held talks with " prominent personalities of the opposition side " on a " political solution " to end 12 years of civil war .
16 He spun the radio tuner at random , to leave no evidence for prying eyes that he had been listening to a foreign station .
17 Shiona could see from his eyes that he meant it .
18 The disaster of Munich was , in fact , so monumental in Nizan 's eyes that he felt constrained to write an account of the whole affair in order the more effectively to understand it .
19 I could see in his eyes that he knew .
20 Michael could see by the look in his eyes that he knew who had ordered his accident .
21 But I could see from the look in his eyes that he did not believe me .
22 It was n't until Creed took his arm and he looked into those black eyes that he remembered where he was .
23 He was different from them , did n't eat in the kitchen with us , but had my mother bake him potatoes and grate carrots that he ate in the isolation of the dining room .
24 Some months after Wilson resigned from being prime minister , he admitted to two journalists that he believed there was a faction in DI5 sympathetic to the South African and Rhodesian authorities .
25 According to one report , he told a group of journalists that he believed he ought to have been given the interim presidency .
26 It was as commander of the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards that he won the DSO at the Battle of Tumbledown during the Falklands campaign .
27 During this period Stella is in hospital as she is in labour and Stanley changes into the marriage pyjamas that he wore on his wedding night as celebration .
28 They were really the first nudes that he had done since Jane Birkin posed topless in the Sixties .
29 I can … ’ but the words were stopped in him and he seemed to suffocate and gasp with the sense of a power beyond the Cages that he had sensed briefly before .
30 It was to cut his ties that he had begun , from the earliest days , to sign his work ‘ Vincent ’ , following the practice of his adored Rembrandt , and making the excuse then that foreigners would have difficulty pronouncing his surname .
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