Example sentences of "[noun pl] i [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 The only outings I remember being taken on as a child were once with the school to the zoo and once by my mother to a seaside promenade .
2 ‘ If all the blokes I knew were like you then I 'd be better off with another girl , would n't I ? ’ she said scornfully .
3 One of the few skills I possess is the ability to type with ten fingers .
4 It 's simply the way that I 've adopted since the plans I laid were destroyed .
5 First two cases I took were missing persons .
6 Recently the coal measure type of cycle has been very plausibly explained in terms of climatically controlled ice-sheet surges , and we can very soon get lost in a multitude of explanations of the phenomena I have been discussing in this book .
7 One always seems to come back to climate as the primary explanation of the sort of phenomena I have been discussing , but for the ultimate control , sooner or later , we must face the possibility of an extra-terrestrial cause , though in most geological circles one seems to be expected to blush when doing so .
8 If I wish to maximise my impact on improving human life , I can do so best by putting my effort into activities I know are unlikely to take place otherwise and into small-scale ventures where I can actually see results for my efforts .
9 Now , note taking is a skill in the sense that y'know the final years you would n't , final year lecturers I mean are so waffly and ah go off in all directions because of different people .
10 This is unsettling , and makes me realise that for those three and a half hours I have been the still and passive object of her intuition as well as her technical skill .
11 There again erm I think there 's still on the windows here , there 's still reference to one of the coal merchants I think is n't there ?
12 ‘ For the last four summers I had been working at Appel Farm Arts and Music Centre in New Jersey as head of music , ’ Ken explained .
13 Now I do this sir , because last week in the council of Christian and Jews in Edinburgh we had one of the profoundest meetings I 've been at , in which very distinguished people , Jews and er er Christians were concerned with the fact that anti-semitism , at the very bottom , is anti-God , it opposed to revelation .
14 I entered into the spirit of the occasion by volunteering as one of about twenty stage guinea pigs , but within minutes I had been weeded out and sent back to my seat .
15 The first thing that struck me was that of about 100 different offerings at least half a dozen times I 'd been stopped in my tracks by absolutely classic flavours .
16 ‘ It was just that a couple of times I 'd been looking out , or I 'd just glance up as I passed , and , well , I 'd seen her there .
17 ‘ Funny I 've never seen it before , the times I 've been in your Gran 's house , ’ he said .
18 In all the times I 've been down here , I have never heard that sound before .
19 Look at the times I 've been refused for the forces .
20 This morning John Smith says he is saddened by John 's remarks , he thinks it will give some material to John Major , I 've got news for him , many times I 've been saddened when he 's said nowt to John Major when all the clangers he 's dropped .
21 Yeah , you know two times I 've been , and me eyes are going right mad .
22 he wo n't let them talk , it 's disgusting , I tell ya , you know , no end of times I 've been in there and it 's obvious we 're waiting for chips
23 the times I 've been done down in my life it 's been mainly by the white people !
24 People I have worked with I 've identified as having problems that I can see some sort solution to in terms , for instance , of hospital treatment erm at times I 've been unable to erm to do that because the Act is very difficult to work round erm and in retrospect I 'm very
25 In the general run of life in a river this may be very true , but many times I have been able to take barbel and chub from the same swim simply by altering the depth at which my bait is fishing .
26 In recent times I have been able to go down to the hostel , where my good friend Richard Megson gives me the opportunity to wash in lovely hot water .
27 My final comment is that loadings on the Central Wales line seem fairly light at present , judging by the two or three times I have been on it lately .
28 Erm , yeah she is , but she 's doing , you know these calls I 've been receiving .
29 All the doctors , psychiatrists and groups I 'd been to so far for help had made me feel worse than ever : could she be any different ?
30 None of my friends have children and all the mother-and-toddler groups I have been to are full of older mums .
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