Example sentences of "[noun pl] was [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 On Jan. 30 Schwarzkopf declared that the allies had achieved complete air supremacy and that the air offensive against enemy ground units was due to be intensified still further .
2 In framing the loan agreement both the government and the Bank had formally agreed that high-powered international management of the meat plants and ranches was necessary to success , that pastoral cattle keepers should be given title to their land ( an innovation ) , and that the meat price should be raised , thus restraining urban demand .
3 Moreover evidence of association between the brothers was relevant to whether the identification of TJ was accurate and could support identification evidence ( Turnbull [ 1977 ] Q.B .
4 Scott 's design for the Foreign and India Offices was similar to his successful competition entry .
5 For Marx , as for Hegel and Kant , the German philosophers who greatly influenced him , ideas could not be brushed aside and the unique character of humans as thinking animals was central to all his work .
6 Where a trust had validly been set up ( which depended on the solvency of the settlor ) , the subsequent insolvency of trustees or beneficiaries was irrelevant to its continuance .
7 The Church claimed that lip service to catholic unity , which liberalism still professed , meant nothing without the instruments to enforce it : that the contemplative life of the regular clergy was essential to a catholic country ; that liberalism and catholicism were incompatible , in spite of liberal assertions to the contrary .
8 So the redness of her lips was attributable to lip-salve .
9 It was also strengthened by the assumption , inherited from the Middle Ages and still very widely accepted , that the relationship between a ruler and his subjects was analogous to that of father and children .
10 Eric [ Varley ] talked about energy extremely competently , though he insisted that looking for major energy savings was likely to be ‘ extremely disappointing ’ .
11 The mixture of praise and criticism for general practitioners ' care of people in residential homes was similar to comments about their care of others during the last year of their lives .
12 Rod claimed the growth in the use of knives was closely-linked to drugs-related crime and protection rackets .
13 He must have learnt a great deal from Thomas May , and from him also acquired an enthusiasm for pottery , but he was quick to grasp the crucial principle that the changes in the form of some vessels was due to a chronological development , an idea that had eluded May , who never rose much above the level of that of ‘ an indefatigable draughtsman ’ , as his Antiquaries ' obituary rather dismissively calls him .
14 The mutated promoters all bound cAMP-CRP with the same affinity as the wt-promoter and the mobilities of the two retarded complexes was identical to that observed for the wt-promoter .
15 The restaurant where she had arranged to meet Piers was close to the Palais Lascaris , an old , breathtakingly beautiful town house , and she located it without too much difficulty .
16 The Local Management of Schools was due to be introduced from 1990 and the Conservative group in had the foresight to see that if the scheme was given a fair wind , and the full support of the Council , it would come to be recognised as one of the greatest reforms of education .
17 However , it could equally be argued that the visibility of change and development in these schools was attributable to their lower starting thresholds .
18 The gain in hearing for each treatment group at six and 12 months was similar to that shown in other comparable studies .
19 Another eight months was devoted to working out the spacing between characters .
20 Viewing sunset and dawnrise skyscapes was secondary to viewing each other across the road .
21 Black had already excluded investment in dwellings , in the social services , and in North Sea oil , on the grounds that investment in these sectors was unlikely to be affected by an accelerator principle .
22 Eb abundance in the spleen of all transgenic mice was equivalent to that in BALB/c and C57Bl/6 controls ( data not shown , Table 1 ) .
23 The Fund 's bi-annual World Economic Outlook released on Sept. 19 warned that although the impact of higher oil prices on industrialized countries was likely to be modest , overall world economic growth was expected to slow to 2 per cent in 1990 ( from 3 per cent in 1989 ) as a result of uncertainties stemming from the Gulf crisis .
24 Again , she did not sleep and for once was glad when Mr Landor called out , cursing the heat and wanting cold , cold water at once — even seeing to the old man 's wants was preferable to lying awake worrying .
25 Much of his study of the often shameful encounter between the conquerors and the native Indians was hazy to me now , but the clean lines of the narrative still reverberated within me whenever I saw an Inca ashlar .
26 The distribution of diffuse and intestinal type cancers was similar to that described by Lauren .
27 Protocol 321 ( in prison volunteers ) was of ‘ marginal value ’ in assessing the safety of the drug in 1993 , the panel felt , and Upjohn 's explanation that the incomplete information on adverse effects was due to a transcribing error , is ‘ not implausible , although … even in 1978 , a properly organised company should have operated checks which eliminated such errors ’ .
28 He also complained that the consistent use of the word Pomerellen in German texts was offensive to Polish residents of the Corridor .
29 This caution on the part of the Communists was due to their natural antipathy to the Liberal Party , their desire to concentrate on the campaign for affiliation to the Labour Party , and organizational conflicts with the People 's Front Propaganda Committee .
30 The latter clause , however , had had the approval of negotiating bodies representing both potato merchants and farmers ; no blame for the infection of the seed potatoes was attributable to either side ; and , further , the buyers , if they had so wished , could have bought at a small extra cost , seed potatoes certified by inspectors of the Ministry of Agriculture .
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