Example sentences of "[noun pl] is something that " in BNC.

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1 Hatred of Jews is something that the Fascist is especially prone to , but it is n't a necessary consequence of his Fascism , and in any case it 's only a symptom , certainly not the root cause of his disease .
2 ‘ The longevity of these two companies is something that makes us special , ’ says Anderson .
3 Since the rise of semi-literate England as seen in the dissolution of so many libraries is something that only political action will be able to solve — in an age when , despite a decade of ‘ Thatcherism ’ and a supposed return to Victorian standards , the state is still all-powerful — it is suitable to end on a political note .
4 To control and manage communications is something that politicians and governments , both east and west , work hard to master — much as they may publicly deny it .
5 Making and fitting curtains is something that I am good at
6 A united partnership of opposition to such developments is something that the MEG warmly welcomes ’ , Mr Hopkins told a local paper .
7 Helping punters outwit the bookies is something that gives Brittain real pleasure and he recalls with pride how an acquaintance made an exceptionally nice profit when the trainer 's Terimon took second place to Nashwan in this year 's Derby .
8 Does she agree that this non-controversial form has a er essential role to continue er in Cambridge and that erm the the issues of safety , environment and the promotion of low cost schemes is something that must be preserved ?
9 The fact that their citizens leak into the city to avail themselves of our facilities is something that we might deal with in another sphere , even on day residents were seen to attend the theatre in this town recently , erm unfortunately this authority does n't see fit to actually subsidise the theatre .
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