Example sentences of "[noun pl] for the other " in BNC.

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1 This formal order , which was signed by the President and recited his findings in relation to the two incidents , was sealed on 11 June 1992 , copies being then sent to M. 's solicitors , the solicitors for the other parties and to the governor of the prison .
2 The papers of counsel acting for the plaintiffs in a pending action in the Commercial Court were mistakenly sent to the solicitors for the other side .
3 Explanations of the patterns for the other lawyers have been offered in terms of the degree of organisation of the clientele ( lawyer A ) , dependence on the local civil court ( lawyer B ) , and the need to maintain high status by performing highly regarded translation work , in order to be able to legitimate the practices of important clients .
4 Straining the last possible revolutions from her roaring Paxman engines , the old lady of the fleet , Vigilant was first to reach Guiding Lights , but despite darkness and mist had to wait no more than a few minutes for the other cutters to join her — a feat of seamanship that later lead to great praise from their Investigation colleagues ashore .
5 Thus , the returns during trading on each market are likely to lead the closed market returns for the other markets , and this is what Becker , Finnerty and Tucker found , except that the Nikkei Stock Average did not lead the FT-SE 100 .
6 There were six candidates for the other three selection jobs .
7 The entries for the other faculties should be consulted for further details .
8 They studied the same subjects for the other nine GCSE subjects .
9 His explanation was that he could find no suitable homes for the other puppies .
10 When businesses just want to get on with doing business , ‘ to be told you can take out a summons but then must allow three to four months for the other side to put forward defences , then allow more time for adjustments of claims and defences , and then , subject to the availability of a judge , you 'll get a hearing on it in 18 months ’ time , is less than satisfactory ’ , said , senior partner with Dorman Jeffrey .
11 Repechages for the other places were rowed on Tuesday evening but yesterday 's final was cancelled when the wind blew up again and made racing out of the question .
12 ( a ) a recommended share exchange offer by one of the companies for the other , or
13 ‘ And , Herr Busacher , I think something must be done about her costumes for the other productions .
14 From it follows a series of hardline implications for the other practical issues .
15 What would be the implications for the other republics of Yugoslavia , or what used to be Yugoslavia ?
16 It took weeks for the other prisoners to get over that ; they would just come up and touch me .
17 But permanent replacements for the other posts took longer to fill .
18 In half the cases the dementia or confusion was " just about manageable " , but the others exhibited behavioural difficulties which posed great problems for the other tenants .
19 This new ‘ hip ’ Baloo also helped animators create identities for the other characters .
20 Thus , supposing this product is a substitute for the others , an increase in its output will shift the demand curves for the other products inward .
21 gained credit via APL for up to 50% of the areas of study and successfully completed and passed the assessment schedules for the other 50% of the areas of study .
22 gained credit via APL for up to 50% of the areas of study and successfully completed the assessment schedules for the other 50% of the areas of study
23 A ‘ residence order ’ will say where the children will live ; and a ‘ contract order ’ will set out the arrangements for the other parent to see the children — what used to be called access .
24 I 'll just have to make alternative arrangements for the other five . ’
25 Other maps , given at appropriate points in the text , give layouts for the other parts of the Castle .
26 We discuss the various arithmetic operations required for this type of system ; modifications for the other systems described in 3.2 should be obvious .
27 Holders should be used for all the MOS devices and it is a good idea to use i.c. holders for the other three integrated circuits as well .
28 The outcome matches the estimated rate in Figure 8.2 , and this provides support for the rates for the other planets .
29 The boys are to sing with the lay vicars for the other three weekend services and also on Tuesdays , Thursdays and Fridays .
30 Spoke machines were acquired , sent to Wolverton for alteration and the fitting of cutter blocks and , together with drawings and fixtures for the other operations , sent to other firms also engaged on this type of work .
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