Example sentences of "[noun pl] it be [art] " in BNC.

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1 To my jaded ears it is a stupendous musical achievement .
2 ‘ Yes , quite … ’ said the Matron , and to Alida 's ears it was a firm interruption .
3 In herbivores it is the larvated egg which is passed out in the faeces but in other animals it is the hatched L1 .
4 In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it was the crown 's desire to spend , and Parliament 's desire to limit the tax burden , which led to regular conflicts between the king and Parliament .
5 But I have no doubts it was the right move for Newcastle and the right move for Mick .
6 For the conservative-historians it was the Profumo affair that most forcefully illustrated the altered circumstances that 1960s Britain found itself in .
7 Like many so-called archaic methods it was the result of long adaption of means to ends ; like many supposed pockets of peasant routine the Basque system could adapt itself to new demands .
8 For equities it was a day for special situations .
9 In three quarters of the job losses it was the role of the factory which was important rather than its operation or location .
10 We were in bed — probably the worst place , but when you 've got three kids it 's the only place you can talk .
11 Amongst Sun/Star readers it was a mere 41 per cent .
12 On parents ' evening/parents ' consultation sessions it 's a good idea to invite neighbouring schools serving other phases to send displays of photographs , children 's work , brochures , prospectuses etc to be arranged for the parents to view as they pass through the school during the evening .
13 For such organizations it is a matter of balancing the demands for their services against the limited resources available .
14 During the passage of gravitational waves it is the structure of space–time itself which oscillates .
15 Even to twentieth century eyes it is a symbol of power ( 557 ) .
16 In my eyes it is a contract but do we need to make this change ?
17 Seen by romantic eyes it is the epitome of the nobility of nature , but what is the truth of the situation ?
18 The next time I open my eyes it is the following day .
19 In my eyes it 's the hardest hole on the course .
20 In my eyes it was a Persian carpet .
21 If we are above government guidelines it is the labour party 's fault and if indeed we are penalised in the future it is the labour party 's fault , none other and to the extent that you run the risk now by having this excess eleven percent budget over the er standing expenditure assessment er will once again unfortunately find you guilty in that regard .
22 Of all the styles it is the most laborious and there are few professionals able or willing to continue the tradition .
23 ‘ Even when I 'm playing in the reserves it 's a chance to impress , ’ he said .
24 ‘ Even when I 'm playing in the reserves it 's a chance to impress , ’ he said .
25 But staying out at night cost money if you did the right things : coffee bars and a movie or a disco , but if you rode round in borrowed cars it was an okay way of killing time .
26 People who employed chauffeurs went to better places than this ; like many of the cars it was an image hotel , all bright expensive surfaces with no detectable trace of a soul underneath .
27 From the shops it was a short visit to the launderette , where his week 's supply of dirty washing had been cleaned , pressed and packed for him by the friendly woman who supervised the place .
28 The company where it once held over 20% of the equity , and its current desktop partner — as analyst Hesh Wiener comments , in mythology , the gods eat their children , in computers it 's the other way round .
29 In the mid-range , its key products are derivative , coming from its ICL Plc affiliate and Sun Microsystems Inc , while in personal computers it is an also-ran in Japan , not visible in the US , and only a significant player in Europe by proxy via ICL .
30 This relationship is n't just common to product relationships it 's the same in cost revenue relationships as well Okay , so so what that diagram is saying in symbolic terms is that if the slope of the ideal product of labour curve , right , if D L P D A P L by D L positive , then the marginal product of labour must be greater than the average product of labour .
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